The Pandemic Generation Starts School

The Pandemic Generation Starts School

Parents and teachers prepare for children born during the COVID-19
pandemic head to preschool this fall.

In early spring 2020, when the COVID pandemic began to take hold,
everyone’s daily routines changed. For many new parents, this meant an
unexpected and sudden loss of much-needed support systems. Holly
Rondeau is the mom of a toddler born in early February 2020, making her son
a pandemic baby. “We had maybe a week or two, and then boom! (The) world
closed down, my mom had to leave early because the airports were closing,
and then we couldn’t see anybody for like a year.” Children born in 2020
experienced isolation during an essential phase of early childhood
development. This fall, these pandemic babies head to preschool.

According to the Oregon Health Authority, there were 39,820 births in 2020.
This fall, an estimated 10,000 of those children will enter preschool. This
number of children is an increase of about 2,000 children from the prior year
due to the inception of the state-funded Preschool Promise program which
provides free or low-cost preschool for eligible 3- and 4-year-olds. Studies
show early childhood education programs, like preschool, are critical for
children in many areas, including academic achievement and future health.

With preschools preparing to take in these pandemic babies for the first time,
there is some apprehension for the parents. Children, especially young
children, learn through play, activities, and interacting with other children their
own age. The forced isolation brought on by the pandemic led to many
children spending their formative years without some of these vital
interactions. The isolation children and families experienced during the
pandemic varied based on factors like family size and location. How this
isolation affected young children’s social skills is likely just as varied. Add in
the dynamic of masking for a year or more, and small children were
challenged even further by not getting social cues learned from reading facial

Research studies on how infants and young children fared during the
pandemic are assessing for changes in early development. Unfortunately,
they are finding them. A study published in Japan this month looked at the
effects of screen time on infants and young children. The impact of screen
time is significant because many parents turned to increased screen use
during the pandemic. The Japanese study found the more screen time an
infant had at age 1, the greater the risk of delays in communication and
problem-solving of toddlers at ages 2 and 4. A second study looked at
changes in early childhood development that pandemic babies experienced.
The study found a decline in these children’s communication and personal-
social skills. Parents like Rondeau hope preschool will help provide some of
these lost abilities.

Keri Archer is a kindergarten teacher at Nehalem Elementary. She taught
before, during, and after the pandemic, giving her an excellent perspective on
how little ones do when attending school for the first time. From her
perspective, Archer says the children starting school at the beginning of the
2021-2022 school year were the most impacted by the pandemic. She notes
kindergarteners that year had not attended preschool because of the
pandemic closures and the first graders spent most of their kindergarten year
attempting virtual learning. Archer found a lot of gaps in the children’s
education, and the children lacked an understanding of how to behave or act
in a school setting. “Preschool and kindergarten are the years we are as
human beings learning how to relate to each other,” says Archer. “Typically,
that’s the first group settings that a lot of kids are in…they have to learn how
to get along with each other, and take turns, and play.” But there is hope, as
Archer saw last year as a more typical school year, and she expects the same
this year. Rondeau is ready for this with her son. “I’m excited for him to start
preschool and kind of, like, see this next phase of his development.”

Studies of the effects of isolation on babies who grew into toddlers during the
pandemic will likely be under scrutiny for years. Because of the isolation,
many young children have not had the traditional opportunities to socialize
with other children their age. Archer wants to reassure parents with young
children attending school for the first time. “The encouragement of a parent
goes a long way to help them be successful in school. Because it is always
going to be scary.” The advice Archer would give parents going into the new
school year is the same as she would have given to parents before the
pandemic. “I think the more confident that parents can be about how fun it’s
going to be, and how great it’s going to be, and that encouragement, and just
feeling confident that educators are well versed in what they do and are going
to handle it well so they can feel that confidence too.”

AUTHOR: Leanna Coy, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner and Health Content Writer

Takahashi I, Obara T, Ishikuro M, et al. Screen Time at Age 1 Year and Communication
and Problem-Solving Developmental Delay at 2 and 4 Years. JAMA Pediatr. Published
online August 21, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.3057

Almeida, L., Rego, J. F., Girardi Teixeira, A. C., & Moreira, M. R. (2022). Social isolation and its
impact on child and adolescent development: A systematic review. Revista Paulista de
Pediatria, 40.

Other wellness questions? Email us at For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram.

Suicide Prevention & Local Suicide Prevention Training Update

Suicide Prevention & Local Suicide Prevention Training Update

Each year, lives are lost due to suicide. Suicide is an intentional self-inflected death. This cause
of death is complex and is typically a result of many factors in a person’s life. These factors are
often referred to as risk factors. A risk factor is a condition, characteristic, or attribute that can
increase the risk of a negative outcome. Examples of suicide risk factors include: a previous
suicide attempt, access to lethal means, social isolation, lack of access of care, problem
gambling, substance use disorder, loss of a loved one (especially by suicide), and a stigma of
discussing mental health. If you would like to learn more about risk factors, I recommend the
CDC’s Risk and Protective Factors, this resource can be accessed on the CDC’s

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States and in Oregon. According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the year 2021, suicide was the 11th leading cause
of death in the United States. The CDC’s data shows that in the year 2021 there were 48,183
suicide deaths in the United States. For more information about national suicide statistics visit According to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), in the year 2021, suicide was
the 10th leading cause of death in Oregon. OHA’s Center for Health Statistics data shows that
893 Oregonians died by suicide in the year 2021. For more information the state level suicide
statistics visit

The good news is that this cause of death is preventable. One way to prevent suicide is to
increase protective factors. Protective factors are a characteristic, attribute, or condition that
can decrease a negative health outcome. Protective factors include: a connection with others,
access to mental health care, access to basic needs, reduced access to lethal means, coping
strategies, and problem-solving skills. For more information about protective factors, I
recommend the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s (AFSP) Risk factors, Protective
Factors, and Warning Signs, this resource can be accessed on the AFSP website (

If you would like to learn more about suicide prevention, I recommend attending a Question,
Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper training. This training is an evidence-based suicide
prevention training that has been used worldwide. In this training participants learn about
suicide, suicide warning signs, conversations tips, and the three steps of QPR. After the
completion of the training participants will receive a certificate, QPR Institute booklet, and
other relevant prevention information.

Since the year 2020, the Tillamook Family Counseling Center (TFCC) has offered the QPR
Gatekeeper training to community members every other month (or as requested). From
September 2020-August 2023, TFCC prevention staff has offered 32 QPR Gatekeeper trainings
(29 in English and 3 in Spanish) and have trained close to 300 community members. This past
year, TFCC has begun to offer QPR Gatekeeper trainings in the Spanish language. If you would
like to learn more about this new offering, please contact TFCC will present
a virtual English QPR Gatekeeper training on September 11th from 10-11:30AM. If you would
like to register for this training email me at

If you are having thoughts about suicide, you are not alone, help is available. For local crisis
support call the Tillamook County 24/7 crisis support at (503)842-8201. For national support
call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800)273-

If you should have questions about this blog. Please feel free to contact Janeane at

AUTHOR: Janeane Krongos, Tillamook Family Counseling Center, CPS

For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Balancing Breastfeeding with Self Care

Balancing Breastfeeding with Self Care

Breastfeeding is a sound method of giving your baby a healthy start in life. It is a great bonding experience for both mom and baby. However, with feedings around the clock, breastfeeding can also be taxing. When combined with other responsibilities, like caring for other children, working, and household chores, new mothers can become worn down and stressed. The time you spend breastfeeding or pumping breast milk does not have to feel like another chore. Instead, use this time to find ways to care for yourself and improve your well-being. Here are some suggestions to guide your self-care.


Find a comfortable place to sit while breastfeeding, like your favorite spot on the couch or rocking chair. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let random thoughts go. If your mind begins to race, focus on your breathing. Consider lighting a scented candle or diffusing essential oils that provide a pleasant atmosphere for you to relax in.

Listen to music

Do you feel like you listen to lullabies and “Baby Shark” all day? When was the last time you played some of your favorite music and took time to genuinely enjoy it? Now is the time! Music can relax you, lift your mood, and remind you of happy times.

Watch a favorite TV show or movie

Much like music, you may be streaming children’s shows all day or not have time to watch TV at all with the new baby, let alone a movie. Being forced to sit still for the feeding or pumping gives you that time to catch up on “Bridgerton,” “The Batchelor,” or watch a favorite movie.

Read a book, listen to an audiobook or podcast

Feeding sessions during the middle of the night may not be ideal for watching screens. Instead, treat yourself to that new book you’ve been wanting to read. Too tired for your eyes to focus? Keep an audiobook or podcast downloaded that you can listen to with your headphones.


Busy moms constantly juggle responsibilities, and eating well for themselves can fall by the wayside. Remedy this by setting up some healthy snacks and a beverage for yourself when preparing to breastfeed. Keep some cut-up fruit, vegetables and hummus, or cheese and crackers on hand that you can easily eat while breastfeeding. Prepare a cup of tea, a glass of lemonade, or even just that bottle of water you never seem to have time to drink. You will finish your session less hungry and better hydrated.


Being a new mom is a significant change and can lead to a roller coaster of emotions. Many women find journaling helpful in their mental health journey. Writing down thoughts and feelings can be insightful in helping you understand them better. Other women enjoy journaling to document milestones they can look back on later. 


Outside of your breastfeeding or pumping sessions, remember to rest. Rest is vital for physical and mental health. With a new baby, breastfeeding occurs so frequently around the clock it is hard to get more than a few hours of consistent sleep. The body is also recovering from the effort of giving birth. Your body needs rest to aid in this recovery. There is a reason your provider told you to sleep when the baby sleeps. The baby napping is not a time to ensure your house is spotless. Rest remains essential for moms who continue breastfeeding after the baby sleeps through the night. Not getting enough sleep can lead not only to fatigue but also depression. Experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep a night. If you are napping during the day, limit the nap to no more than 15-20 minutes. Longer naps put you in deeper sleep that can make you feel sluggish when you wake up. Also, long naps can interrupt your nighttime sleep patterns.

The benefits of self-care cannot be said enough. Moms are often the “everything, everywhere, all at once” and put their well-being last. Because breastfeeding or pumping breast milk forces you to sit still, this is an ideal time to recharge and take care of yourself. Find a space away from household chaos and ask not to be interrupted. Taking time for your well-being will help you stay healthy to better care for the others in your life.

AUTHOR: Leanna Coy, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner and Health Content Writer

Other wellness questions? Email us at For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram.
Microplastics and Their Impact on Health

Microplastics and Their Impact on Health

Photo Credit:            Lenna Coy

AUTHOR: Leanna Coy, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner and Health Content Writer

How microplastics are impacting you

Microplastics have become pervasive in the environment. They are found in water, air, and the food supply. Similar to bygone eras such as the ice age, bronze age, and industrial age, microplastics are so widespread that scientists labeled the current time as the “plasticine era” which began in 1945 and continues today. By identifying a plasticine era, scientists have determined the impact of microplastics on the environment is enough to cause geological change to the planet. In Tillamook County, we are not immune to the impact of microplastics. Despite the relatively pristine nature of our beaches, microplastics are everywhere in the sand.

What are microplastics

Microplastics are solid man-made plastic or fiber particles with irregular shapes and sizes measuring less than 5 mm, about the width of a pencil eraser. There are two categories of microplastics, primary and secondary. Primary microplastics are manufactured to be small.

These include:

  • Microbeads – small particles added to personal care products such as face wash, nail polish, makeup, and toothpaste.
  • Nurdles – small pellets of plastics in the raw material form used to manufacture plastic products.

Secondary microplastics are small pieces broken down from larger plastic pieces over time. This breakdown occurs with exposure to the environment (sun, wind, water, heat), transforming and breaking the plastic into pieces that are hard to identify as plastic. When seen on the beach, these pieces can easily be mistaken for sand, small rocks, shells, or other materials. Other secondary microplastics come from fibers such as those used in clothing or fishing gear.

Why microplastics are unhealthy for people

Scientists are still learning about the negative effects from microplastics in the environment on the human body. Researchers determined the average person consumes an estimated 80 g of microplastics in the food they eat. Microplastics in the food comes from the runoff of water treatment plants used to help fertilize farms employed in food production. Microplastics are also now extensively found in the fish and shellfish we consume. Research is ongoing about the effect of microplastics on humans. What is known is that many of the ingredients that make up the plastics are considered toxic. Two common issues are Bisphenol-A (BPA) and heavy metals. Bisphenol-A (BPA) has been in use since the 1950s. It is a common product in the packaging of food and the manufacturing of water bottles. Scientists found BPA affects the endocrine system, which regulates hormones in the body. Several diseases and conditions are associated with substances that negatively affect the endocrine system, including:

  • Hormone-related cancers (breast, testicular, prostate)
  • Infertility
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Autism spectrum disorders

In 2012 the Food and Drug Administration banned the use of BPAs in baby bottles and sippy cups. In 2013 BPAs were also banned from use in infant formula packaging. Thirteen states have banned BPA products. Heavy metals serve several purposes when added to plastics. Heavy metals such as silver and copper create an antimicrobial effect. Fillers such as barium sulfate and calcium carbonate increase the stiffness or hardness of plastic. Lead, cadmium, and chromium have all been used as dyes for plastics. Bromine and chlorine in plastics have a flame-retardant effect. The concentration of metals in plastic depends on the final product. Heavy metals are known carcinogens, meaning they cause cancer. Cancers with known associations to heavy metals include:

  • Lung cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer

In addition to these known toxic substances, microplastics are believed to contribute to antibiotic resistance. Bacteria that grow and thrive specifically on plastics are resistant to the heavy metals in the plastic. These bacteria are interacting with other bacteria in the environment sharing this resistance. To put it simply, plastic-thriving bacteria are teaching other bacteria howto create a shield to protect themselves from antibiotics.

How to do your part

When walking on the beach you likely see some microplastics due to their bright, unnatural colors. Other pieces you may not recognize due to their size or color. According to Oregon State University, preventing the flow of microplastics into the ocean will have the greatest impact on the environment. So while it may seem like a daunting or strange task to “clean the sand”, this is exactly what will help get microplastics out of the environment. Do your part.

  • Join or organize a beach cleanup such as those hosted by SOLV
  • Use reusable alternatives to plastic
  • Avoid products with microbeads
  • Choose clothing with natural fibers

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Small Steps to Build Multidimensional Mental Health

Small Steps to Build Multidimensional Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness month yet as a mental health professional, I focus on mental health year-round. I also approach mental health as multidimensional, meaning that it goes beyond just mental wellbeing and includes all 8 dimensions of wellness. If one dimension suffers, then overall wellbeing suffers and that impacts mental health even further due to increased stress and decreased coping mechanisms.

So, what are the 8 dimensions of wellness? Physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, financial, occupational, and environmental. Mental health is often believed to be comprised of our emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Yet if we do not take care of the spiritual, physical, financial, occupational and environmental dimensions of ourselves, we end up out of harmony and balance. When we are out of balance, we are not able to access and utilize coping skills and we will continue to make choices that negatively impact our overall wellbeing.

If you Google tips for improving your mental health you will get a variety of lists. Many of them will have things from a few of the dimensions. I would like to share small steps you can take in each of the dimensions to help you begin to build multidimensional mental health.


 We often hear all the things we can do within physical wellness to improve our mental health. Have good sleep hygiene, get daily movement, eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, take your meds and supplements, and manage any physical health symptoms or diagnosis. Yet we often do not hear about the correlation between mental health and the development of physical ailments. Just like physical wellness can help improve our mental health, untreated mental health can lead to disease. Depression has been shown to increase the risk for things like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.


Emotional wellness is all about having coping skills to help manage and regulate our emotions. Mindfulness, meditation, journaling, therapy, EFT tapping, and any other tool or practice that helps you navigate your feelings and cope with life’s challenges are all emotional wellness. Emotional wellness also helps us build problem solving and resiliency skills. This bolsters our mental health and aids in coping with any future stress or difficult situations.


Social wellness is about having connections and relationships with others that ease stress, anxiety, depression, improve self-esteem, and provide comfort and joy in companionship. Without strong social connections, we are prone to isolation and increased mental health struggles, including increased risk for suicide. Healthy relationships include setting boundaries, honest communication, and mutual respect and trust. Healthy social connections have been shown to lower anxiety and depression, help with emotional regulation, increase empathy, and even have a positive impact on physical health through improved immune systems.


Isn’t intellectual wellness just mental health? No. Intellectual wellness is about the thinking parts of our brains, our cognition. It also includes our emotional and social functioning. Mental health is more about thoughts, feelings, mood, and/or behaviors. Intellectual wellness practices that can also boost or improve mental health are pursuing crafts or other creative hobbies and endeavors, reading or pursuing learning, and anything that requires thinking or problem solving. Brain health improves mental health because we process our emotions in our brains.


Spiritual wellness helps us by giving us a connection to purpose and meaning in life. It could be belief in a higher power or anything that gives you connection and meaning to life outside yourself. Without a connection to something bigger than ourselves, we can struggle to find meaning in life and this can exacerbate any mental health issues. Whether it is organized religion or a connection with nature, spiritual wellness is vital to mental health and overall wellness.


Financial wellness includes the knowledge and skills of planning and managing expenses as well as your money mindset. Do you have a negative relationship with money or negative beliefs? Do you stress over finances? I wrote about developing a healthy relationship with money last month. One thing you can do is have a “money date” with yourself each week where you check in with your finances and get your energy and mindset in a good space around your financial situation. This will reduce stress and improve mental health through improved financial wellness.


Occupational wellness relates to all aspects of how happy or satisfied you are in your job or career. Do you work a job you dread going to or do you like where you work and who you work with/for? Does your job or career offer benefits and an environment that encourages wellness and the ability to do self-care and take time for mental health? Are you working to survive or doing what you love? If you have a healthy work environment and work a job or career that you are passionate about and enjoy, then you will have improved mental health and overall wellness.


Environmental wellness is related to how we impact our environment and how, in turn, it can impact human health. Things like recycling, reducing waste, water conservation, and using sustainable products all help care for our environment. In return, our environment can continue to help us sustain healthy living. It can also be that you have a comfortable, healthy, safe, and welcoming home environment. When our homes are not safe or comfortable, this can interrupt our mental health and overall wellness.

Each of the 8 dimensions can impact one another and impact our mental health. Overall wellness is a codependent web woven between the dimensions. Hence the importance of taking small steps to improve each area and maintain harmony between them in order to have optimal mental health. I hope you are all taking great care of yourselves and finding ways to be multidimensional in your wellness.

AUTHOR: Amanda Ferrat, Founder of Value Yourself Counseling LLC and Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner & Wellness Counselor

Other wellness questions? Email us at For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram. 

First Comes Awareness, Then Comes Understanding, Next Comes Acceptance, and Finally there is Equitability

First Comes Awareness, Then Comes Understanding, Next Comes Acceptance, and Finally there is Equitability

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 

Every year in March there are campaigns across the nation to bring awareness to Developmental Disabilities. This is a time where individuals with and without disabilities can share their experiences, their stories, and their advocacy for justice, equity, and inclusion. This is an opportune time for communities to unite and join forces with individuals with disabilities to advocate for resources for schools and education, resources for accessible sidewalks and buildings, and resources for the full spectrum of healthcare (physical, mental, emotional, social, and recreational). You may not be aware of this, but President Ronald Regan recognized March as Developmental Disabilities awareness month in 1987. His goal was to “increase the public awareness of the needs and potential of Americans with developmental disabilities” and provide the “encouragement and opportunities they need to lead productive lives and to achieve their full potential” (National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities, 2023). 1 in 6 children, ages 3-17, are diagnosed with a developmental disability in the United States between 2009-2017 (Zablotsky et al., 2019). 

Autism Acceptance Month 

April’s Autism Awareness began with a campaign in 1972 called the “National Autistic Children’s Week”, this eventually changed into what became Autism Awareness month, and now it is known as Autism Acceptance month (National Today, 2023). The Autism Society’s goals are to increase acceptance and ignite change, and ultimately improve outcomes for individuals and families who experience autism (National Today, 2023). Autism spectrum disorder is classified as a developmental disability, and everyone will have their own specific set of strengths, challenges, and difficulties. Some of these areas include communication, sensory processing, social skills, adaptive skills, and behavior. Individuals may need a range of supports from very little, where they will be able to live completely independent, to needing significant daily support from one or more people (National Today, 2023). According to the CDC, autism rates are as high as1 in 44, and are 4 times higher in boys (Maenner et al., 2021). 

The Connection with Mental Health 

You may be asking why I am talking about this subject? Well, the answer is this; these are two populations whose mental health tends to get ignored and is very much at risk.  There is evidence that shows youth with autism spectrum disorder have higher rates of depression and suicide than their neurotypical peers (Mayes et al., 2013). Researchers have found some evidence that “twice exceptional youth”, those with autism and have high IQ’s (120 or higher), are at an increased risk of suicidal thoughts compared to neurotypical youth in the same IQ range (Brown, 2023). This is concerning as high IQ has long been thought to be a protective factor against suicidal ideation (Brown, 2023). Individuals with developmental disabilities tend to experience higher rates of mental health conditions, but many times they do not receive appropriate mental health treatment due to the lack of understanding, training, and education about the specific needs of this population (Pinals et al., 2022).  

Awareness, Acceptance, and Advocacy 

Children and youth with developmental disabilities, including autism, may need specialized support at school. This may be even more important when they need mental health supports. Schools are in a unique position where they not only provide education, but they have resources to provide social-emotional learning for our children; this is a prime opportunity for all children to learn how to interact, foster self-management, and work cooperatively.  

Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Time to Celebrate!) 

I encourage everyone to take time to celebrate the diversity of people in this world. I encourage you to be inclusive of everyone, no matter their ability (or any other reason). Advocate for resources so that schools and communities can assure equitable access to buildings, sidewalks, education, and services, especially individualized education, and mental health services. By doing all of this we will increase educationally opportunities, increase pro-social behavior, and reduce mental health disparities for individuals with developmental disabilities, including autism.  

AUTHOR: Dr. Danell Boggs, DBH, LCSW at Tillamook County Community Health Center


Brown, J. (2023). Autism combined with high IQ increases risk of suicidal thoughts. 

Maenner, M., Shaw, K., Bakian, A., et al. (2021). Prevalence and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years – autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 sites, United States, 2018. MMWR Surveill Summ, 70(11) 1-16. Doi: 

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (2023). 

National Today (2023). History of autism acceptance month. 

Pinals, D., Hoermale, L., Mauch, D., & Anacker, L. (2022). Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the mental health system: part 1. Clinical considerations. Psychiatric Services, 73(3). Doi: 10.1176/ 

Zablotsky, B., Black, L., Maenner, M., Schieve, L., Danielson, M., Bitsko, R., Blumberg, S., Kogan, M., & Boyle, C. (2019). Prevalence and trends of developmental disabilities among children in the US: 2009–2017. Pediatrics, 144(4):e20190811 

Other wellness questions? Email us at For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram