Welcome to Financial Wellness!
Most people report feeling stressed about money at some point. Thinking about where to start can feel overwhelming, especially when there may be aspects of our finances over which we have more or less control. Check out the following classes, tutorials and tools from local partners featured below to find strategies that work for you.
Free Financial Education
Financial Beginnings Oregon and Uniting for Action have partnered with Tillamook County Wellness to provide resources and financial empowerment classes for the Tillamook County community.
Watch here for program offerings in partnership with Helping Hands, CARE, Inc., Tides of Change, Habitat for Humanity, TBCC and our county school districts. If you would like to offer programming or learn more about volunteering, please contact us at info@tillamookcountywellness.org.

Your Money Mindset
Being intentional around how we think about and spend money is connected to living a longer, healthier and happier life. Thanks to donated time from Liz Carroll at Mindful Money Coaches LLC, the following videos can serve as a starting point for building a healthier relationship with your finances:
Welcome to Financial Wellness
Four Numbers to Know
Your Money Mindset
Check out the rest of the series from Liz Carroll below:
Part 4: Addressing Negative Thoughts
Part 5: Goal Setting
Part 6: Expenses
Part 7: Ability to Have Money
Part 8: Guidelines
Part 9: Spending on What You Love
Part 10: Organization
Part 11: Creating Check-Ins
Part 12: Eliminating Debt
Part 13: Recommended Readings
Part 14: Budget Billing
Part 15: Three Pieces of Advice
Consejo Hispano
Consejo Hispano offers Latinx community members holistic programs and the tools to achieve self-determination in the areas of leadership, education, health, advocacy & civic engagement, and financial empowerment. We believe that everyone deserves to have access to quality education regardless of his or her place of origin or the language spoken at home. Our programs are designed to be culturally-specific and meet the needs of the family. Decisiones de Dinero is a workshop for 3rd through 5th grade children. We talk about money, goals and saving for our future. This workshop includes short lessons followed by 3 activities.
El Consejo Hispano ofrece a los miembros de la comunidad latina programas holísticos y las herramientas para lograr la autodeterminación en las áreas de liderazgo, educación, salud, defensa y compromiso cívico, y empoderamiento financiero. Creemos que todo el mundo merece tener acceso a una educación de calidad independientemente de su lugar de origen o del idioma hablado en casa. Nuestros programas están diseñados para ser culturalmente específicos y satisfacer las necesidades de la familia. Decisiones de Dinero es un taller para niños de 3º a 5º grado. Hablamos de dinero, metas y ahorrando para nuestro futuro. Este taller incluye lecciones cortas seguidas de 3 actividades.

Looking to Learn More?
Local Resources
- Wellness, Mental Health, & Money Management from NWSDS
- Zogo Financial Literacy App from TLC
- Financial Empowerment from Consejo Hispano (Español)