“WHY I’M IN …” An interview with Mari Tasche, Oregon Health & Science University

What drew you/your organization to partner with Tillamook County Wellness?

When first introduced to Tillamook County Wellness, I was inspired by the work of the committees and felt that TCW aligned with my passion for improving the wellness and quality of life of others, particularly those made vulnerable by current systems. I have always been actively involved in my community, whether coaching youth soccer or coordinating a community-wide couch to 5k running group. As an exercise physiologist looking to transition into public health and plant my roots on the north coast, TCW provided a great opportunity to understand the region’s needs and get involved in efforts to address community health. 

What, if any, changes have you seen come about as a result of this work? 

Improving the health and wellness of a county is challenging work and truly takes a village. TCW is a unifying force that brings people and organizations together to share knowledge, leverage resources, and provide support. This strengthens our connections, creates unity, and fosters collective progress for the betterment of our community. I have seen many organizations coordinate and collaborate on projects, programs, and initiatives they might not have otherwise pursued together.  This coalition has also taken ownership of the community health needs assessment and improvement plan to address the region’s top health and social needs. Efforts include evaluating and refocusing the work of committees, pursuing or supporting grants, establishing or strengthening partnerships, and broadening community outreach and engagement. 

What have you learned from being involved in this work?
I have learned that opportunities are endless if you make the effort to reach out. Many people want to see this county thrive and want to contribute their part to make that happen. It is inspiring and fuels my optimism for this work. I have also learned that this work is like climbing a mountain with no top. It’s endless, but if you enjoy what you are doing, it doesn’t feel like a daunting task- and don’t forget to celebrate the small steps! 

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to you/your organization?
My role has continued to evolve since joining a few years ago, and I strive to find my niche and how to best contribute my time and resources to TCW. As I wrap up my master’s degree in public health this fall, I am looking to align my final projects with TCW initiatives and develop relevant content and materials to drive this work forward. As a regionally based employee with the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network at OHSU, I aim to pursue future opportunities for cross-over and collaboration. 

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to changing community health in Tillamook County
Changing community health takes a multifaceted and dynamic approach. I hope that TCW continues to address this challenge holistically by strengthening a diverse network with a unified message, comprehensive strategy, and county-wide framework that can meet the needs of every individual and help them live their best, healthy lives. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I appreciate being a part of this coalition and look forward to what we can accomplish in the coming years.

For more local health and wellness information, visit www.tillamookcountywellness.org or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram.