by Guest | Mar 2, 2018 | Being Well, Eat Well
By Sara Todd, LCSW, Rinehart Clinic
The shame experience is complex and holds a variety of feelings. Shame can be debilitating and all encompassing. Eye contact may feel painful, even impossible. At its worst, it can result in withdrawing from the world. A retreat into a darkness that feeds upon itself.
Shame is triggered by an external event and this can even include receiving the diagnosis of a medical illness, such as diabetes. The diagnosis may trigger shame because of feeling exposed as inadequate or incapable. A person may feel they don’t “measure up” to an ideal. The diagnosis can end up confirming what someone already feels about her or himself— that they are flawed or not good enough.
Shame has a social context and occurs in relationship with others. We will say, you shamed me. A tendency toward shame in one’s adult life may come from early experiences of being judged, ridiculed and not fully celebrated and enjoyed by one’s caregivers. This fundamental sense of “badness” repeats a cycle that originated in one’s early life. For some, shame may be a foundation underlying everything one does. Diabetes is just one more channel for that shame.
Shame thrives in darkness and loathes the light. Its antidote is radical acceptance, the full embrace of love and kindness by another and towards oneself.
Because diabetes intersects with a person’s relationship to their body, their relationship to food and eating and the authority of medical providers, it makes sense that all of this would trigger a shame response. The combination of society’s unrealistic beauty standards, feeling constantly “graded” through daily monitoring of blood glucose or A1c tests and the way we ignore the institutional reasons for challenges such as poverty and eating healthy, all contribute to an internal dialogue of “I did this to myself”.
What is the way out?
The first may be to have curiosity about the shame. Ask questions about the feeling and the storyline that you’re “not good enough.” Why do I feel ashamed about having diabetes? Open it up for exploration. If the shame is connected to not measuring up to an ideal version you have of yourself, you can ask: Who set that standard? Is this an ideal that comes from my own values or someone else’s?
Questioning the self-blame can also be effective. What may be other reasons I have this disease? Why else did it happen? Is there a family history, for example? The point is not to deflect accountability, but to bring a more complex understanding.
We can also begin to unravel this knot of humiliation, self-hate, and feeling outcast by “dropping the storyline.” When these thoughts “I’m not good enough…I did this to myself…I’ll never get it right” come up, take a deep breath, feel your body and then let the thoughts go. A teacher once gave me the tool of: Recognize-Refrain-Relax-Remain. Recognize that you are getting caught again in the feelings and thoughts of shame. Refrain from trying to escape the feelings (don’t numb out). Relax by deep breathing, stretching, taking a walk or simply just letting yourself be. And, finally, remain where you are in that moment. It will pass.
If shame is making it difficult to engage deeply with others and live your life fully, talking to a therapist may also be a good idea. Shame that originates in trauma needs healing with a licensed mental health professional. And as we heal the wound of shame, we begin to love ourselves more fully through the gift of improved health.
Most importantly, shed light on that shame because you, at your core, are good and perfect just as you are.
by Michelle | Feb 23, 2018 | Being Well, Eat Well
By Michelle Jenck, YOW Coordinator
If it seems like you have been hearing a lot about diabetes and pre-diabetes lately, you are right. At the risk of over-sharing, the Year of Wellness team wants to make sure Tillamook County residents are getting the message – loud and clear. A lot of people have prediabetes and there IS something we can do about it.
Our YOW partners at the Y and Northwest Senior & Disability Services are teaming up to prevent diabetes in Tillamook County. This infographic highlights key risk factors and prevention methods. Losing even a few pounds (and keeping them off) can help most people reverse their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The best way to do that is to follow healthier eating habits and become more physically active than you are right now.
Because we know change can be difficult, our YOW partners are working to provide community-based supports to make these changes easier. Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) classes are one way to learn about healthy habits and how you can adapt your lifestyle to optimize health. Plan to attend the DPP orientation, March 6th at either 12:00 noon or 6 p.m. at the YMCA, 610 Stillwell Avenue in Tillamook. You have nothing to lose (but weight) and everything to gain (in health)!
Continue to follow us in the Headlight-Herald each week to learn more about local resources available to you and your family. Visit our website at or download the app, Tillamook County YOW, for additional community-based wellness resources and information.
by Guest | Feb 14, 2018 | Being Well, Eat Well
By Dr. Hans Diehl
The diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes has often been perceived as a death sentence because of its impact on health and lifespan. Diabetes, over time affects every major organ in the body and is largely responsible for markedly increasing the risk of blindness, kidney disease, amputation, heart disease and stroke, and erectile dysfunction. Currently, every second American adult either has full-blown diabetes or has been diagnosed as a person with pre-diabetes. But we can go now beyond merely treating the symptoms of diabetes. The highly respected ACCORD study showed that tight control of the glucose levels actually increased morbidity and mortality.
So we must go beyond just treating the symptoms of diabetes, or managing its blood sugar levels with drugs and injections. Almost all pharmaceutical agents increase appetite, thus increasing weight, thus worsening the diabetic condition and requiring more medications. This only continues the vicious cycle of more drugs, more weight, and a worsening of the diabetes with its devastating health impact, shortened lives and a higher economic burden.
There IS hope. A new approach is emerging that has helped close to 10,000 diabetics enrolled in the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Project). This diet-centered lifestyle intervention lowers blood sugar levels within days. It is an approach that was used more than 80 years ago but it was overlooked and forgotten. Today the evidence is quite stunning when we use a diet very low in fat, oils and grease but high in unrefined complex carbohydrates. The body usually recovers, and within four weeks about 75% of patients with Type 2 Diabetes on drugs and about 50% of these patients on insulin will have normalized their blood sugar levels while being off their medications.
Dr. Singh, as published in the respected Lancet Medical Journal as far back as 1955, had 50 of his 80 insulin-using Type 2 diabetics off insulin with normalized blood sugar levels within 6 weeks by using a very low fat, yet very high, unrefined starch diet. We are now beginning to understand some of the mechanisms that will be carefully discussed in more detail in my presentation on March 2.
The answer to this largely lifestyle-related disease is not found in pills and shots. To disarm and reverse this rapidly expanding killer disease, we need to go beyond pills and shots. We need to alter the causes of this disease. That involves our lifestyle, and especially our dietary lifestyle of “sweets and meats” and of “junk and bunk”.
Type 2 diabetes has tripled in the United States over the last 30 years. This is not a genetically induced disease, because it takes about 300 years to change the genetic make-up of a nation. However, a healthier lifestyle will turn this disease around, not only preventing it but also disarming and reversing it, often within days. The very lifestyle that will heal the diabetes, will also extend to healing heart disease, hypertension, overweight and other chronic diseases.
Dr. Diehl will be making this presentation at a luncheon on Friday, March 2 at 12:00 – 1:15 pm at Wirick Hall at the Nazarene Church, 2611 Third Street, Tillamook. There is no charge for this event. Please RSVP for the meal to 503-815-2270 or Sponsored by Tillamook Regional Medical Center.
by Guest | Jan 13, 2018 | Being Well, Eat Well, Recipes
Everyone has heard the clichés, “Doctors are the worst patients,” or “Doctors don’t take their own advice.” It’s also the toll of the hours required in medical school and during residency that have an impact on the health of many MDs. Add in stress, poor sleep and poor diet and it’s the perfect storm for a chronic disease, such as Type 2 diabetes to be diagnosed. That’s exactly what happened to Dr. Mark Bowman.
Dr. Bowman and his family arrived at Adventist Health Tillamook Regional Medical Center in 1994. He was the first emergency-trained doctor to serve at TRMC. Before Tillamook, Bowman had gotten his medical degree at Ohio Northeastern Medical School in Emergency and Family Medicine, and then his residency in Toledo, Ohio. It was during this stressful time that Dr. Bowman was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. “I was shocked,” said Bowman. “How could a reasonably healthy guy in his mid-30’s have diabetes?” He continued, “But it added up – significant weight gain, not a healthy diet, on-the-go, grab and go food, lack of sleep and stress. That was the real trigger for my onset.”
With oral medications, a healthy diet and exercise, Dr. Bowman has been able to maintain and reduce is A1C levels. “There are so many other health impacts from increased A1C, cardiovascular disease, brain health, that’s why it’s important to know your numbers. It can be a silent disease,” he said.
Dr. Bowman is a good patient, and since he was diagnosed he’s taken the same dosage of medication, and made some adjustments to what and how he eats, moves and lives. He commented, “It’s cool to have a bunch of tools to use that can help manage a chronic disease like Type 2 diabetes, and I knew that to avoid some of the bigger consequences, I needed to do something, make some changes.” He continued, “I’ve had ups and downs, but I’ve never felt better.”
Another path opened up when Dr. Bowman was introduced to functional medicine. “About 4 or 5 years ago our daughter sent us this YouTube link that featured Dr. Mark Hyman talking about this specialty,” said Bowman. “After viewing it, my reaction was ‘this makes sense.’ And I began pursuing the training and certification.”
From the Institute of Functional Medicine: Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual. “One condition can have many different causes, and how one cause can lead to many different conditions,” describes Mark Hyman, MD, IFM Board President. The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.
By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.
“This is the future of medicine, the direction I’m excited to take my medical practice, and bring to our community,” said Bowman. “We are wired and tired. It’s about doing simple things, eating healthy and walking, but most importantly controlling stress, with mindfulness, yoga, activity, meditation. Figuring out what the combination is that works for you, for each individual,” he enthused.” This is another first in Tillamook County for Dr. Bowman as he is completing his certification in the specialty and is seeing patients one day a week at the Tillamook Medical Plaza as he sets up programs for his functional medicine practice. For more information, contact Dr. Bowman’s medical assistant at 503-815-6358.
Dr. Bowman’s Wrap It Up
YOW asked Dr. Bowman for one of his favorite recipes …
“This low carb wrap which relies on almond flour tortillas that I get in Portland at Whole Foods or Natural Grocers. I take one wrap and spread a healthy oil mayo with some protein (egg with or without cheese) and some cooked leafy greens with some jalapeno sauce. Yum! And less than 10 grams carbohydrate for a good start to the day!
This recipe has LOTS of flexibility and can be adapted to things you have on hand, such as leftover chicken or burger, rice or more
Wrap It Up
1 serving
Prep time: 10 minutes (or less)
1 tortilla (almond, flour, whole wheat, spinach)
Mayo (or use refried beans or pesto or …)
1 egg, scrambled
2 Tablespoons cheese (if desired)
Add meat, if desired
½ veggies cooked or uncooke
Warm in oven slightly before you head out the door; or microwave for 30 seconds. And as Dr. Bowman said, “YUM!”
by Guest | Dec 29, 2017 | Eat Well, Recipes
Recipe Source:
2 cups grated cauliflower (about half a medium head)
1 egg
3 Tablespoons flour
1⁄4 cup low-fat cheddar cheese, grated
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking sheet or line with parchment paper or foil.
- Grate cauliflower on large holes of a grater.
- In a medium bowl, combine cauliflower, egg, flour, cheese, and salt; mix well.
- Press mixture together to make about 15 small balls or logs; Place on the baking sheet with space between each ball or log.
- Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked through. For extra crispy tots, broil for an extra 2 minutes. Watch closely to avoid burning.
- Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.
· Texture will be best when freshly made.
by Guest | Dec 16, 2017 | Eat Well, Recipes
By Jessica Linnell, Asst. Professor (Practice), Family & Community Health, Oregon State University Extension Service
The holidays are when we gather to prepare and eat delicious foods with our families. However, eating healthfully during this time can feel like a monumental challenge. People often complain that eating healthfully during the holidays means having to avoid tasty treats and family traditions. Instead of thinking of this as a problem of “this or that”, why not do both? You can eat healthy while enjoying delicious family recipes, and here are a few tips. When planning celebration meals, update the family recipes with nutrient-dense foods like fruits, veggies, and nuts. Give your green beans a boost with almonds, or replace mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes. Do you love holiday cookies? Try this recipe that is packed with delicious and nutritious carrots, applesauce, and raisins, as well as the comforting holiday spices like vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.
Recipe: Carrot Cake Cookies
Recipe Source:
Number of servings: 48 cookies
Time for preparation (including preparation and cooking): 35 minutes
1⁄2 cup packed brown sugar
1⁄2 cup sugar
1⁄2 cup oil
1⁄2 cup applesauce or fruit puree
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1⁄2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1⁄2 teaspoon ground ginger
2 cups old fashioned rolled oats (raw)
1 1⁄2 cups finely grated carrots (about 3 large carrots)
1 cup raisins or golden raisins
- Heat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a large bowl, mix sugars, oil, applesauce, eggs, and vanilla thoroughly.
- In a separate bowl, stir dry ingredients together.
- Blend dry ingredients into wet mixture. Stir in raisins and carrots.
- Drop by the teaspoonful on greased baking sheet.
- Bake 12 to 15 minutes until golden brown.
- Store in airtight container.