Healthy Beginnings: How Relationships Impact Our Wellbeing

Healthy Beginnings: How Relationships Impact Our Wellbeing

As we step into a new year, many of us may be reflecting on different aspects of our lives. Although many of us might think of New Year’s resolutions such as eating more veggies or trying out a gym membership, taking a moment to look at our personal relationships and where our individual happiness lies is just as important in terms of our overall well-being. Tides of Change, a local advocacy organization, provides an overview of how our relationships can function to both positively and negatively impact our health – and offers information around how to access free, confidential services for anyone who might need support in any stage of a relationship, both past and present:

Did you know your relationship affects your health? All types of relationships, negative and positive, both past and present affect your health. Relationships with your friends, your family, the person you are dating or with your partner all affect your health.

Healthy relationships promote overall health and well-being, lead to better physical and mental health outcomes and a longer life. Unsurprisingly, unhealthy and abusive relationships contribute to poor health in a variety of ways. Relationships change over time, so a relationship that starts out fun and exciting may not stay that way.

Unhealthy relationships where one person in the relationship uses a variety of methods to gain and maintain power and control over the other person are, unfortunately, common. According to surveys from the National Domestic Violence Hotline, approximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). It occurs across every demographic line of socioeconomic status, education level, sexual orientation, race, and religion. It can happen to anyone. IPV is a cycle that generally gets worse over time—not a one-time incident. People who choose abusive behavior use jealousy, isolation, emotional and psychological abuse, coercion, intimidation, shame and threats.

Many people assume that abusive relationships are defined by the presence of physical violence, but research shows that emotional and psychological abuse are used long before any physical violence occurs. Over time, the control tactics cause chronic, toxic stress for the person subjected to them. In terms of health impacts, psychological abuse is as important an indicator for health outcomes as physical abuse. This means a person can experience negative health consequences as a result of an unhealthy relationship without ever being physically hurt by their partner. Unhealthy, abusive relationships affect a person’s immediate and long-term health–reproductive, physical, mental and behavioral health are all potentially impacted in abusive and controlling relationships.

If you are choosing to use power and control and abusive tactics in your relationships and would like to choose differently, please contact Choices Domestic Violence Intervention Program at (503) 530-8927 or at for more information.

Successfully managing mental or physical health conditions while in an unhealthy relationship can be particularly challenging. Controlling, abusive behavior harms the partner who is subjected to it, and can also harm the health and wellbeing of children growing up in homes where abuse is the norm. The Adverse Childhood Experience Study, or ACEs, demonstrated the connection between growing up with violence in the home and experiencing long term chronic health conditions as well as behavioral and mental health conditions later in life. As with childhood ACEs, experiencing abuse can contribute to things like anxiety and depression as well as common chronic illnesses such as high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and chronic pain symptoms even after the unhealthy relationship has ended.

If you or someone you know are concerned that your relationship is affecting your health, there is hope for healing. At Tides of Change (ToC), we believe everyone deserves a healthy and supportive relationship. ToC serves people of all genders with free, confidential advocacy services and ongoing resiliency and support groups. Our services and our 24-hour helpline are available to anyone who has questions about their relationship and about what resources are available to them. ToC provides services for all stages of healing, both for present and past experiences. Tides of Change is located at 1902 2nd St, Tillamook, OR 97141. You can connect with us by calling 503-842-9486 or at . You are not alone, ToC is here to support you.

AUTHOR: Tides of Change

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Benefits of Gratitude, Mindfulness and Meditation

Benefits of Gratitude, Mindfulness and Meditation

It’s hard to be anxious, sad or angry when we are counting our blessings. This makes sense but it can be hard to see bright spots when life is throwing curve balls at us every day. The real curve ball is that, by practicing gratitude, we can actually avoid becoming anxious, sad or angry when faced with challenges. There is some pretty amazing science behind why practicing gratitude improves our mental and physical well-being.

According to Justin Hersom, LCSW at Adventist Health Tillamook, “it is natural for us to have a slight negative perception in life, as it helps us stay safe.” He goes on to say, however, that people tend to “over-practice” negative perception and then struggle to notice positive things in life. “Learning to stay present inhibits anxiety and learning to develop gratitude shifts neuropathways which can allow us to experience more fulfilling interactions and events in life.” As part of his practice, Justin often guides clients toward gratitude practices, such as daily gratitude journals of 3 to 4 things a person is grateful for that day, no matter how big or small; “and it can’t be the same thing daily.” He points out. “Sometimes we are not in a place to experience gratitude. In that case, working with a mindful belief system, we can just try to have the desire to be grateful.”

Justin Hersom, LCSW at Adventist Health Tillamook

Mindfulness can mean different things to different people. Justin explains to clients that being mindful is an intentional focus on the present, defined as now to the past 8 seconds, without judging our emotions but just accepting what we are experiencing in the moment.

These good feelings are not just fleeting. A regular practice of gratitude or mindfulness, especially if we include deep breathing, can be a game changer when it comes to our health. Just as it takes time and intentionality to build other healthy habits, over time, a regular practice of mindfulness can change the way the body functions, reversing the negative impacts of chronic stress. As part of his Lifestyle Medicine program at Adventist Health Tillamook, Dr. Ben Douglas shares that “patients who struggle with anxiety or depression often tell me they have trouble sleeping at night because their brain won’t be quiet. Mindfulness and deep breathing are techniques that can teach your brain that it is ok to be quiet and go to sleep.”

Health Impacts of Deep Breathing Practices

“Take a deep breath. You got this.” This is the advice my son’s baseball coach gave each player as they approached the batter’s box. What do we do when we have to speak publicly and are nervous? We take a deep breath. What do we tell a child who is crying, upset or angry and trying to tell us what happened? Yep. “Take a deep breath.”

We know deep breathing helps us calm down in stressful situations. The reality is that most of us live in a chronic state of stress. This deep breathing helps regulate the body’s stress response. And, just like a baseball player’s batting average gets better with practice, our bodies adapt to a regular mindfulness practice in ways that make the body more efficient and healthier.

A growing body of research shows that mindfulness and deep breathing techniques make positive changes to virtually every system of the body. When performed consistently, deep breathing practices have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, anxiety and pain and offer many other mental and physical benefits.

When our nervous system is calm, we feel safe and are better able to handle stress when it comes our way. We can keep things in perspective, avoid overreacting emotionally and have healthier relationships with others. This practice can also improve our executive brain function and memory. This is because chronic stress engages a part of the brain that “turns off” our planning and organizing brain (pre-frontal cortex) and “turns on” the fight-flight or freeze part of our brain (amygdala).

So how does it work exactly? There is a muscle in our body, the diaphragm, that is like a shelf between the heart, lungs and other organs. There is also a long nerve, called the Vagus nerve, that connects to all those organs. When we breathe deeply, the movement of the diaphragm and the activation of the Vagus nerve, shifts our body and mind from “fight-flight-freeze” to “rest and digest.” Our heart rate decreases, we get more oxygen to all the parts of the body, including the brain, and levels of stress hormones like cortisol are reduced. All of these changes reduce inflammation in the body which can prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

So how does it work exactly? There is a muscle in our body, the diaphragm, that is like a shelf between the heart, lungs and other organs. There is also a long nerve, called the Vagus nerve, that connects to all those organs. When we breathe deeply, the movement of the diaphragm and the activation of the Vagus nerve, shifts our body and mind from “fight-flight-freeze” to “rest and digest.” Our heart rate decreases, we get more oxygen to all the parts of the body, including the brain, and levels of stress hormones like cortisol are reduced. All of these changes reduce inflammation in the body which can prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

It might feel awkward at first to try a mindfulness practice but, just like with other new activities, it gets easier with regular practice. The good news is that it can be done anywhere, only takes a few minutes and it costs nothing.

Here are a few resources to help you get started:

  • Qigong Breathing Video Demonstration and Cues
    • In Breath:  Deep, slow inhale through the nose, fully inflating the lungs, belly visibly rising/extending for 3-4 seconds.
    • Out Breath:  Slow, controlled outbreath through the nose, belly draws in, diaphragm up, fully exhaling for 5-7 seconds

In his practice, Justin Hersom encourages clients to practice the cycles of inbreaths and outbreaths for 3 to 5 minutes at a minimum. 

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, chronic pain or are experiencing other mental health concerns, please contact your primary care provider.

AUTHOR: Michelle Jenck, M.Ed., Community Well-Being Director, Adventist Health Tillamook

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Resist the Grinch: How to Handle Stress This Holiday Season

Resist the Grinch: How to Handle Stress This Holiday Season

While some people have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, many of us may lie awake stressing about coordinating festive meals, wrangling relatives, and wrapping presents. As we navigate the pressures of winter celebrations here is some guidance to bring good tidings and advice on how to jingle all the way to the New Year. ‘Tis the season to incorporate good expectations, boundaries, and communication.

Key Concept: You’ve got this.

This time of the year may bring up feelings of stress, excitement, and even grief. As we reflect on the past and look forward to the future, it is important to find time to be present. Holidays can be a dizzying flurry of activity and emotion. We rarely allow ourselves the opportunity to pause and appreciate our capacity to manage the demands of everyday life, one moment at a time. You’ve got this.

Plan ahead.

Set up healthy expectations by creating realistic goals around finances, cooking, and patience. As the shopping list grows, timers ring, and controversial topics surface, you can pivot with confidence. Know your budget, evaluate your time management, and take a deep breath when the conversation turns frosty.

Practice flexibility when presented with change.

It is almost cliché to say that the holidays, though merry, can make you feel Claus-trophobic. Each year provides an opportunity for new and unexpected challenges. This year, try to react calmly to surprise guests, tangled lights, supply chain disruptions, broken appliances, and cats climbing the freshly decorated tree.

Acknowledge your feelings.

Convincing yourself that you feel happy or “fine” is one way to survive the hustle and bustle of the Yuletide. Then again, identifying how you actually feel can be a relief, reduce hostility, and more accurately reflect on the reality of a situation. Addressing difficult emotions can create opportunities for more honest living, encourage conversations, and cultivate problem solving.

Take care of your own needs.

Step outside for fresh air, keep up healthy habits, or practice saying “no.” It is important to give yourself an opportunity to recharge and help you maintain boundaries. Find ways to implement self-care that sustains you through all the holiday festivities.

Shake or embrace the social atrophy.

Let’s face it, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our ability to relax without six feet between one another. We can dust off our social skills instead of enduring awkward silence. Consider planning for activities that create conversation, build new memories, and make us laugh like charades, Pictionary, or coordinating a white elephant gift exchange.

Move forward with kindness and curiosity.

Assume positive intent. Humans are complicated beings and our greatest task ahead includes accepting people as they are. As we approach the New Year, the best policy is to advance with grace and humility.

Seek professional help if you need it.

Despite your best efforts, if you find yourself consistently sad or anxious, experiencing increased physical discomfort, having trouble sleeping, becoming more irritable, or unable to complete normal activities, talk to a friend, family member, or your doctor. If these feelings last for a while, you might benefit from meeting with a mental health professional.

Take control of your holiday stress this season.

AUTHOR: Karen Sheelar, Behavioral Health Clinician at Tillamook County Community Health Center

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Doug Beeler: Local Peer Support Specialist

Doug Beeler: Local Peer Support Specialist

What is a Peer Support Specialist?

In a nutshell, a Peer Support Specialist helps someone move away from fear and toward hope. I try to empower people in their recovery through these shifts, establishing and reinforcing a trusting connection with them. The connection is genuine and plays a big role in the specialist’s ability to understand the story the client tells of themselves and of their addiction. A peer support specialist walks the line next to someone else, empowering along the path toward recovery. We explore their plans of recovery and support them in realizing their hopes and dreams. Sharing my lived experience is key in the peer support setting through which I serve people. I help by sharing hope and letting them know that their past does not have to define their future. Another important aspect of the Intentional Peer Support system is the conversation that is shared and the knowing that comes out of it. The conversation helps create the momentum of moving towards goals, moving towards hope. In my work, I help people keep their dreams alive by reminding them of what can be. “What are your hopes and dreams? What is your path to recovery?” I am also a recovery mentor, and with the clients’ permission, I can shift gears and suggest ideas while sharing more of my lived experience on how I’ve navigated recovery.

What attracted you to this work?

What attracted me to this work is how it offers me to give back to the community. I thought that because my addiction affected the community, my recovery should also have an effect – this time a positive one. Before helping others, I was struggling with addiction myself for 30+ years. I have been clean now for 14 years. I have been at the Tillamook Family Counseling Center for 5 years, where I was recruited by a friend as the first peer support specialist serving the county at this agency.

How do you engage with clients?

When I meet with someone for the first time I ask, “what happened?” I want to know where they grew up, what it was like for them, their hobbies, what was going on when they first started using, and what things are like for them today. It gives me a glimpse of what I’m working with and what I can relate to. For example, if I am speaking with someone about their addiction and they have shared that one of their triggers is related to a difficult relationship in their life, I can follow up and ask the question, “what if you didn’t have that trigger?” Prior to coming to the counseling center I would ask people I was sponsoring in the Narcotics Anonymous program, “What’s wrong?”, and I learned that kind of question isn’t as helpful as it may seem. A more effective question to ask people is, “What happened?” The question “What’s wrong?” sets a negative tone, asking “What happened” and learning from their answer opens the door to a conversation. One of the biggest barriers people have in my experience is that they feel their experience defines them, which makes it more difficult to see the new and positive possibilities that exist for them.

What do you wish people knew about substance disorder?

Being trauma informed is key when understanding the “why” of addiction and helps people connect the dots of what they want.

To reach Doug, you can contact the Tillamook Family Counseling Center at 503-842-8201 or .

AUTHOR: Brett Buesnel, AmeriCorps VISTA at Tillamook County Community Health Center

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Tillamook Serenity Club: Fellowship Means Life

Tillamook Serenity Club: Fellowship Means Life

What is The Serenity Club and what do you want people to know about it?

The Serenity Club (TSC) is a nonprofit organization that addresses the problem of addiction in our county. We offer meeting space for 12-step meetings like Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon and Gamblers Anonymous. We also have common areas for fellowship and drug and alcohol free activities & events (pre-covid). We are finally able to resume some of the activities that have been sorely missing during the pandemic. This Thanksgiving Day we will be hosting our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner along with scheduled meetings at noon and at 6 pm. In December we be resuming our once a month Bunco night, our Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day and our annual Children’s Christmas Project for the children of parents/guardians who are active in 12-step addiction recovery. Instead of a physical gathering, it will be a personal doorstep visit from Santa Claus and the Elves and will include a holiday stocking and a special gift for each child.

What is your role with the Serenity Club and, if you are comfortable sharing, how did you come to get involved in the organization?

I am the current interim manager as well as a member of the serenity club, and also a recovering addict. I have been a part of the 12-step groups here along with extra-curricular activities for the past 10 yrs. I came to TSC desperately seeking a new way of life without drugs and alcohol, and I found it here in 12-step meetings and amongst the many people just like me. I owe this wonderful building and its members an unmeasurable amount of gratitude.

What is special about the Serenity Club or others like it?

TSC is special because it not only provides 12-step meetings, but also provides social activities and fellowship. It offers experience in living a life without the use of drugs or alcohol. Even during the 1st wave of covid, we did absolutely everything we could to provide meetings. We know how much they are needed in times like these. We offered information on meetings on zoom, and then eventually phased into outside yard meetings, which were so welcomed after so many days/months of isolation. We are pretty much back in business now and our rooms are full again.

What can be challenging for people and what are some strategies that seem to work for people who are part of Serenity Club?

I think people assume coming here will put some sort of judgmental target on their back, or that they are somehow different than the rest of us here or just feel embarrassed. I can say, from experience I had the same doubts, but I see when others just keep coming back every day or as often as they can, they eventually realize we are all the same here and are all here to help one another. One of the best things about this place, is how welcoming the people in it are. And I don’t exaggerate when I say they welcome you with open arms. If you weren’t a hugger before, you’ll swiftly become one.

What do you wish people knew about alcohol and substance use disorder?

I wish people knew there was another way of life to live, and that all hope is not lost. I wish all the time that people who are out there still struggling knew that the impending doom, hopelessness, and overwhelming mental and physical addictions they are feeling, can be helped. People here, DO recover. I’ve been a witness to this and I myself, have experienced this.

How can people access this support at the Tillamook Serenity Club?

TSC is open every day of the week for 12 step meetings and fellowship. We encourage all to attend and leave with a schedule and some hope. We also have schedules of meetings offered on Zoom and schedules of 12-step meetings all over our county. You can find more information about TSC on our Facebook page and our website

What other community resources exist?

The Tillamook counseling center offers a peer support program, and their peer mentors have been bringing clients to TSC for meetings in the afternoon to lead them in a positive direction for when they are ready to once again take the reins of life. There is also information at

AUTHOR: Angel Parsons, Serenity Club Manager

For more local health and wellness information, visit or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Naloxone: the Life-Saving Drug Everyone Should Have

Naloxone: the Life-Saving Drug Everyone Should Have

Seconds can determine life versus death. Knowing what to do when someone has overdosed on opioids is vital. 

What are opioids?

Opioids, sometimes called narcotics, are a type of drug. They include strong prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl and tramadol. The illegal drug heroin is also an opioid.

Taking high doses of opioids can cause an overdose. Opioids affect the part of the brain that regulates breathing. Because the drug slows or stops breathing, an overdose can lead to death.

If you take an opioid, your family and friends must know how to respond to an overdose. An accidental overdose can happen to a person who take prescription or non-prescription opioids.

What does an overdose look like?

Here are some signs that someone is experiencing an overdose. 

  • Unconscious, unresponsive, hard to wake 
  • Slow, shallow breathing, difficulty breathing 
  • Choking, gurgling or snoring 
  • Blue/purple fingernails or lips

 If you notice the above signs, check on their breathing and try to wake them up. 

  • Look for chest rising and falling. 
  • Put your ear near their mouth to listen and feel for breaths. 
  • Shout and shake them. 
  • Firmly tap them on their chest. 

What do I do if I find someone experiencing an overdose?

If you think someone is having an opioid overdose, take the following steps.

  1. Call 9-1-1 immediately. Administer naloxone if it is available. Naloxone is a safe medication that can quickly stop an opioid overdose. Note: it is safe to use naloxone even if you are unsure the unresponsive person is experiencing an opioid overdose. 
  2. Try to keep the person awake and breathing.
  3. Lay the person on their side to prevent choking.
  4. Stay with the person until emergency workers arrive.

Where do I get naloxone? 

If you are currently taking opioids, ask your healthcare provider whether you need a prescription for naloxone. Naloxone is readily available at most pharmacies. Free nasal naloxone is also available to anyone in Tillamook County by calling 503-815-2401 or emailing via Nasal naloxone is called Narcan®. It is easy to use since it is dispensed as a spray up the nose.

How can I prevent an overdose? 

  • Take your medicine exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not take more medicine at once or take medicine more often than you are supposed to.
  • Never mix pain medicine with alcohol, sleeping pills or illegal substances.
  • Store medicine safely where children and pets can’t reach it. Consider using a medicine lockbox to keep out others who don’t need access.
  • Dispose of unused medicine properly.

For more information about naloxone, Narcan®, drug disposal or opioid use disorder, please visit

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling a million dollars with 100 percent funded by HRSA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s). They do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA/HHS or the U.S. government.

AUTHOR: Mareliza de Jesus, Project Coordinator at Adventist Health Tillamook

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.