We live in challenging times and resiliency is more important than ever before. To be resilient is to be flexible and adapt to our ever-changing environment. So how do we cultivate ourselves to be more flexible? Maybe it’s best to sleep on it.
Insomnia and disturbed sleep affect more than 30% of people in the US. From difficulty falling asleep to staying asleep, sleep is a problem for many tired folks. Sleep is the body’s natural reset time when our brain and organs cleanse and rejuvenate. It is estimated the body needs on average, 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Some factors that can interrupt sleep are lack of exercise, acid reflux, smoking, alcohol, and obesity.
The Better Sleep Council found that 79% of people would feel better and more prepared for the day with an extra hour of sleep. Sleeping only 6-7 hours, you are twice as likely to be involved in a car crash and sleeping less than 5 hours increases your risk 4-5 times. Additional research has found that continuity of sleep is important for improved memory function. This study found that during restorative sleep, important memories are consolidated (the process where short-term memories are converted to long-term memories), and creativity is boosted as well.
Resilience requires energy and poor sleep depletes your energy reserves. Sleep also appears to restore our emotional brain circuits, boosting healthy levels of mood-supporting hormones, including serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol, that affect your body’s tools of resilience, including your thought, mood, and energy. Simply put, when you are physically exhausted, you have less capacity for resilience.
While you are sleeping, your body and brain can rest, regenerate, repair, detoxify, reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar levels, burn calories, support immune activity, and reset your energy reserves. Sleep is critical for basic maintenance and repair of the neurological, endocrine, immune, musculoskeletal, and digestive systems.
Natural tips to enhance sleep health
Reduce Exposure to Artificial Light – Artificial light from computers, phones, and other electronic devices disrupts the body’s natural ability to determine light from dark, which disturbs the circadian rhythm and throws off your sleep. The blue light emitted from alarm clocks and other digital devices also may suppress melatonin production.
Make the bedroom as dark as possible. Use blackout shades to make your bedroom pitch black and cover or turn off all devices that glow or give off any light (including digital alarm clocks).
Don’t be too full – or too hungry – when you go to bed. Some people sleep better after eating a light dinner. This is especially true for those with digestive issues. Others, like those with a tendency toward hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), do better with a snack before bed (and possibly even during the night).
Go to bed earlier. You’ve heard the saying “an hour before midnight is worth two hours after.” It turns out there is some truth to that.
Decrease caffeine and alcohol consumption. Coffee can remain in your system for up to 12 hours. Alcohol may prevent the body from falling into a deep state of sleep leaving you groggy in the morning.
Try herbal teas before going to bed. Some common herbal teas that are safe and helpful are: chamomile, lavender, skullcap, and valerian root. Supplements such as magnesium, vitamin D3, or L-theanine can also be a helpful aid for a better night’s rest. Always consult your healthcare practitioner before starting a new supplement regiment.
Acupuncture can also be helpful for insomnia and relaxation. The placement of tiny needles is used to induce a sense of relaxation and calmness via the nervous system. Acupuncture has been shown to increase sleeping time and longer REM states in numerous clinical studies.
Sleep is one of the foundations for resilience and a pillar for health. Deepening your sleep or getting adequate sleep can have profound effects on your health and well-being. Restful sleep can improve mental clarity and memory, enhance athletic performance, boost mood and energy, improve immune function, and increase our tolerance to stress. Exercise, proper eating, acupuncture, and less caffeine and alcohol can all help you get the rest you need.
AUTHOR: Dr. Monte Gores, Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine at Rinehart Clinic
For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of our lives, including how we interact with our family, friends, and communities. This last year and a half has placed a spotlight on just how important our personal relationships are to our overall wellbeing. As we head into another holiday season, it’s worth taking a moment to consider how celebrating collective traditions can also be an important piece in building a healthy, happy life. This October, the Juntos Club will be holding space for community members to celebrate Dia de los Muertos here in Tillamook:
Día de los Muertos dates back to pre-Spanish colonization, where the Mesoamerican groups would celebrate those who had passed. The arrival of the Spanish combined the Mesoamerican groups’ celebrations with the catholic holidays, All saints and All soul’s day. Families honor the dead by bringing offerings to the gravesites or by building ofrendas (alters) in their homes. The ofrendas are decorated with photos of the departed, food, drink, candles, and Xempasuchil (marigold). During this two-day period, it’s believed that the border between the living world and the spirit world dissipates allowing the souls of the dead to return to the living world to celebrate with their families.
In celebration of Dia de Los Muertos, Juntos will be hosting a family night on October 29th at OSU Extension. Families are invited to join for pan dulce, refreshments and participate in helping create an ofrenda to honor past loved ones. To celebrate and protect our friends and family with us the Tillamook Community Health Center mobile clinic will be in attendance for those interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Those who are unable to make it to the event can still celebrate their loved ones by creating ofrendas in their own homes.
The Juntos Club in Tillamook is an opportunity to socialize and discuss topics like leadership, college planning, and Latinx culture. For more events, follow their Facebook page or register for the club at https://gateway.oregonstate.edu/juntos-club-tillamook.
For more local health and wellness information, visit www.tillamookcountywellness.org or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
It is estimated that 1,700 people in Tillamook County live with opioid use disorder. That person can be our neighbor, our coworker, or our family. Each of us deserve the chance to live a fulfilling life which is why the Tillamook Family Counseling Center offers a prime + peer support program free of service for any community members who may need support with substance use. AmeriCorps VISTA, Brett Buesnel, recently met with peer support specialist, Jennifer Barksdale, about her experience as a peer support specialist here in Tillamook County:
What is a peer support specialist?
As a peer support specialist, I work with the IPS model (intentional peer support). The IPS approach is about building a relationship with the individual and working to turn fear into hope.
The 4 principles of the IPS model are Connection (build partnership), World View (understand their world view and share your own), Mutuality (viewing ourselves in the context of mutually accountable relationships and communities), Moving Towards (move towards what the person wants for their life and the safest situation they are open to)
What drew you to this work?
My life has had its peaks and valleys. I had my own business in San Francisco for 15 years and was also addicted to heroin at that time. I wasn’t able to imagine before getting clean that my life could be what it is today. Addiction can be deadly and staying alive long enough to get to see recovery and the positive potential life has to offer is not guaranteed. I want to help other people live long enough to see that potential for themselves.
What is your favorite part of being a peer support specialist?
It has given perspective that has helped make me less judgmental of my own recovery. I have been through a lot of hard times, as a peer support specialist those experiences can be shared to create a real connection with people who are going through hard times themselves. I can show people how you can make it through hard times and not get high.
What is the most challenging aspect of what you do?
As addicts, people only have moments of clarity when they have the capacity to get help. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge to connect people with the help they are seeking in those sometimes small windows of time. The length of a weekend can be too long in some cases to connect people with the services they need.
What do you wish people knew about substance use disorder?
There is a common misconception that you can love someone out of addiction, or their love for a child or partner will be enough to get them into recovery. It’s a sad to say, but for many people it isn’t something that works. In order for someone to get clean, they need to want it for themselves.
How can people access this support at the Tillamook Family Counseling Center?
The work I do at TFCC is Prime Plus Peer Project. To get access to Prime Plus all they need to do is make a call, they do not have to be a client of TFCC. Prime Plus is an immediate service for support, no referrals necessary. The other path at TFCC is to come in for an assessment with a clinician.
What other community resources exist?
The OurTillamook.org website has lots of addiction support information. There are also AA/NA meetings at the Serenity Club that people can check out.
Is there anything that we didn’t cover that you would like to share?
One of the most important things about peer support is that it exists outside of a traditional clinical approach. The peer-peer connection meets folks where they are, more as a supportive friend role to listen and provide support through many of life’s challenges that can get in the way of recovery. The Intentional Peer Support model is a great way to meet folks where they are in their recovery.
If you would like to contact Jennifer for support, she can be reached at 503-812-8412. For more information about the prime + program in Tillamook County, visit https://ourtillamook.org/prime-peer-support/
AUTHOR: Brett Buesnel, AmeriCorps VISTA at Tillamook County Community Health Center
For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Do you have old prescriptions or unused medications? Too often these end up in the wrong hands and wrong places. Unused or expired prescription medications can lead to accidental poisonings, overdose, and abuse. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.7 million people misused prescription pain relievers and 4.9 million people misused prescription stimulants. The majority of teenagers misusing prescription drugs get them from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. Even prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. (And unused drugs that are flushed can contaminate the water supply!) The best way to dispose of unused medications is to utilize local take-back programs.
Tillamook County Community Health Center will be partnering with Tillamook County Solid Waste for this year’s National DEA Drug Take Back Day on October 23rd at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds. Registration is not necessary, just drop in between 10 am and 2 pm.
At the event you can:
Bring unused or expired medication (prescription or over-the-counter)
Bring sharps (injectables / needles) in closed red sharps containers for safe disposal
Receive a COVID-19 vaccine and a flu shot!
(Please do not bring liquid medications or creams – the best way to dispose of these medications is by mixing them with kitty litter and placing them in the garbage)
This is also an opportunity to dispose of diabetic needles (or other injectables). Sharp objects must be placed in closed red plastic Sharps containers and separated from medications. If you need a red Sharps container for these items, they are available for purchase at many pharmacies. During the week of the event (Oct 17-23), a small number of Sharps containers will be available for pick-up at Tillamook County Fairgrounds at the regularly scheduled vaccine clinics, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 am – 3pm and Wednesday 1pm – 4pm. Your local healthcare provider or diabetic supplier may also be able to provide more information on where to find Sharps containers.
Safely disposing unused medications is an important way to protect those around you and prevent addiction or overdose. If you’re unable to make it to the event, there are other drug disposal locations across the county (although these locations are only for unused medications and cannot accept sharps or needles). There is a medication drop box at the following locations: Rinehart Clinic & Pharmacy, Rockaway Beach City Hall, Tillamook County Libraries, Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office, Tillamook Pharmacy, Tillamook Police Department. For more information, visit https://ourtillamook.org/drug-disposal-locations/ .
AUTHOR: Tillamook County Wellness
For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Families, teachers, friends, and neighbors all contribute and reinforce positive traits in young people in our community. Here are some handy tips to consider when supporting young people during any difficult or stressful period of their lives.
Key Concepts:
Grit is the sustained drive that maintains commitment despite obstacles and time. Think about determination, perseverance, and believing in oneself. Good character references include Moana, Frodo, and any movie starring Clint Eastwood.
Resilience is the ability and gumption to recover from difficult set-backs. Think bouncing back, getting back on a horse, and pulling up your bootstraps. Good character references include Justin Beiber, Venus and Serena Williams, and Forrest Gump.
The following are a few ideas on how to cultivate these traits in young people; especially during large transitions and stressful situations.
Harvest a growth mindset
How we speak about our goals, failures, and victories not only shapes our reality, it lays foundations for them too. Steering these conversations can be difficult but these tips can help you prepare to plant seeds of resilience.
Normalize failure. It is a valuable part of the process and makes room for reality and humility. It can be helpful to throw in stories of your own experience with obstacles and how you recovered.
Value progress over product. Perfectionism in a final result can overlook the importance of experiential learning. This process is where children learn essential skills like creation, communication, and resource utilization.
Focus on language. Try to avoid blame, shame, and indifference with your children’s setbacks. Approach these opportunities to discuss what we can learn from what happened.
Harness curiosity. One of the strongest and purest things young people have is an unrelenting thirst for knowledge and understanding. It’s a motivating emotion which maintains momentum despite adversity.
Introduce problem solving skills
In order to teach children to overcome obstacles we must slow down and communicate how and why we make decisions as adults. Children do not have the same insight or tools that you and other adults have accumulated over your well seasoned problem solving tenure.
Narrate your thought process aloud to demonstrate your strategies. Not only does this explain your rationale, it also gives you an opportunity to ask for their feedback and foster a climate of trust.
Identify the problem and how you feel about it. This helps young minds learn the differences between objective and subjective experiences.
Brainstorm possible solutions; pick the top three to seriously consider. There is more than one way to break an egg- so help promote a young person’s analytical and creative side by considering a variety of options.
Discuss consequences. This means investigating both pros and cons equally. It may take some extra time but it pays off later in life when the stakes get higher.
Test drive possible solutions and debrief how things went. Young people are scientists and like learning through experimentation. When it’s appropriate, consider ways to provide hands-on opportunities to learn.
Create a safe place where asking questions is encouraged. There are no stupid questions, only embarassed kids. Often folks opt to save face over truly understanding what is being asked of them. Empower young people to ask questions instead of being left in the dark. Let them know you value their curiosity.
Practice optimism
Maturing brains are developing insight into how full or empty their glass is by listening to the people around them. It is understandable to become discouraged when things are unpredictable and unfair, as life regularly is. In order to forge a steady sense of stability we can become more aware of our thoughts and feelings.
Our thoughts create our reality. If we incorporate hope and flexibility into our way of thinking we can succeed while tolerating the discomfort of change; maybe instead extend grace.
Capitalize on opportunities for gratitude and affirmations when things are going well.
Acknowledge negativity and indifference when it happens. Excessive positivity is not only annoying, it can also lead to toxic positivity which can devalue natural and normal emotions.
AUTHOR: Karen Sheelar, Behavioral Health Clinician at Tillamook County Community Health Center
For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Drug overdose took more than 90,000 lives in the United States last year. For perspective, this photo shows a stadium in Alabama that holds roughly 90,000 people. That is more than three times the population of Tillamook County! Every day, our community is touched by overdose and substance use disorder (SUD). It is estimated that 1,700 people in Tillamook County live with opioid use disorder (OUD). That person can be our neighbor, our coworker, or our family. They deserve the support of our community to reach their goals and live a fulfilling life. If someone you know is struggling with an opioid addiction, take the first step in finding community resources by visiting OURTillamook.org.
OUR Tillamook, which stands for Opioid Use Response in Tillamook County, is a group of local organizations. They are working together to provide OUD support, resources and programs to anyone in Tillamook County. This group includes experts in healthcare, behavioral health, law enforcement, homeless services, addiction recovery, advocacy, education and government. Each member brings an area of specialty to the team.
In the last year, OUR Tillamook collaborated in providing new programs and supporting programs already established.
Prime Plus peer support connects people starting their OUD/SUD recovery journey with helpful resources and support. To connect with a peer or learn more about the program call Michele Riggs with Tillamook Family Counseling Center at 503-815-5406.
OURTillamook.org provides addiction, treatment and recovery information related to SUD/OUD. It offers easy to understand content through articles, videos, training guides and local resource lists. This site is designed to be a SUD/OUD hub for anyone touched by addiction.
Free naloxone and training were given to law enforcement, educators and community members in Tillamook County. Naloxone reverses overdoses and can save lives. Nasal naloxone kits are available to the public, but supply will vary with grants available. If you are interested in getting a nasal naloxone kit contact Mareliza de Jesus at Adventist Health Tillamook at 503-815-2401.
A new syringe exchange program has started. Pick-up wound care supplies, safe injection kits, Sharps containers, and safely deposit used syringes and exchange for new every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 11am-1pm in CARE’s lower parking lot, organized by Tillamook County Community Health Centers.
A community behavioral health and OUD resource guide was created. It lists organizations, groups and other OUD resources available in Tillamook County and the surrounding areas.
Medication for Opioid Use Disorder is available at the Rinehart Clinic, Tillamook County Community Health Centers, and now Adventist Health Tillamook. This service can help folks with OUD start their recovery journey. Speak to your provider to see if this is a good option for you.
Need someone to help you navigate and guide you to SUD resources in the area? Jeannine Deaville, a substance use navigator, can connect you with resources that are most relevant to your situation. Call her at 503-815-2286 or email her at deaviljd@ah.org.
September was National Recovery Month. It is a chance to educate Americans that treatment and mental health services can help those with a mental and/or substance use disorder live a healthy and rewarding life. You can still get involved in National Recovery Month:
Like and follow OUR Tillamook’s Facebook page to get news on upcoming events and program development.
Visit OUR Tillamook.org to learn what resources are available in Tillamook County and how you can support a loved one living with OUD.
Practice proper drug disposal. Do your part to prevent drug overdose. Drug disposal is currently available at Rinehart Clinic and Pharmacy, Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office, Tillamook Pharmacy, and Tillamook Police Department. There are also take-home kits available at Tillamook County libraries.
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Huma Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1 million with 100 percent funded by HRSA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views or, nor an endorsement, by HRSA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
AUTHOR: Mareliza de Jesus, Associate Project Specialist at Adventist Health Tillamook
For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.