Honest Conversations Can Save Lives

Honest Conversations Can Save Lives

September is National Suicide Awareness month. This topic is much more important when coupled with the traumatic stress that most of us have faced during the ongoing pandemic.

One of the top 10 causes of death for Oregonians is suicide. Oregon has more deaths each year from suicide than motor vehicle accidents. There are more than 600 deaths by suicide and more than 1,800 hospitalizations due to suicide in Oregon each year. [1] The friends and family members (suicide loss survivors) left behind are forced to navigate the tragedy of loss. In many cases, suicide loss survivors are left in the dark. Too often the feelings of shame and stigma prevent them from talking openly.

Suicidal thoughts, much like other mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of pain from an untreated mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common, should not be considered normal and often indicate more serious issues.

Crisis resources

  • If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, you can call the National Suicide hotline/Lines for Life (Oregon) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
  • If you are uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can text 273TALK to 839863 at Lines for Life in Oregon. They also have veteran’s and teen peer support available by phone or text message.

Know the warning signs

Any person exhibiting these behaviors should get help immediately:

  • Threats or comments about killing themselves, also known as suicidal ideation, can begin with seemingly harmless thoughts like “I wish I wasn’t here” but can become more overt and dangerous
  • Increased alcohol or drug use
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Social withdrawal from friends, family and the community
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Talking, thinking or writing about death
  • Impulsive or reckless behavior
  • Putting their affairs in order and giving away their possessions
  • Saying goodbye to friends and family
  • Mood shifts from despair to calm
  • Planning, possibly by looking to buy, steal or borrow the tools they need to commit suicide, such as a gun or prescription medication

If you are unsure, a licensed mental health professional or your primary care provider can help assess risk. These services are a covered benefit with many insurance plans, including Oregon Health Plan.

Risk factors for suicide

Research has found that about 90 percent of individuals who die by suicide are experiencing mental illness. A variety of things may put a person at risk of suicide, including:

  • A family history of suicide.
  • Substance abuse — drugs and alcohol can result in mental highs and lows that exacerbate suicidal thoughts.
  • Intoxication – more than one in three people who die from suicide are found to be currently under the influence.
  • Access to guns.
  • A serious or chronic illness.
  • Gender – although more women than men attempt suicide, men are four times more likely to die by suicide.
  • A history of trauma or abuse.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Isolation.
  • Age – people under age 24 or above age 65 are at a higher risk for suicide.
  • A recent tragedy or loss.
  • Agitation and sleep deprivation.

Can thoughts of suicide be prevented?

Mental health professionals are trained to help a person understand their feelings and can improve mental wellness and resiliency. Depending on their training, they may be able to provide additional ways to help including:

  • Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, can help person with thoughts of suicide by recognizing unhealthy patterns of thinking and behavior, validate troubled feelings and learn coping skills.
  • Medication may also be used if necessary to treat underlying depression and anxiety and can lower a person’s risk of hurting themselves. Depending on the person’s mental health diagnosis, other medications may be used to alleviate symptoms.

One difficult conversation can save a life

Have this crucial conversation with someone you love, you can talk with passion and strength around suicide prevention. The truth is, we can all benefit from honest conversations about mental health conditions and suicide, because just one conversation can save a life.


AUTHOR: Patti Atkins, APR, communications consultant for Tillamook County Community Health Centers

You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup (Part 1 of 2)

You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup (Part 1 of 2)

A high score is usually a good thing but not when it comes to the number of adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, a person has. According to research, a person’s ACE score directly corresponds with their risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. It makes sense that factors like divorce, death of a caregiver, verbal or sexual abuse and other traumatic exposure affect a person’s emotional and mental well-being. What we now know, however, is that this exposure can also impact an individual’s physical health over the course of their lifetime. And, that risk can be passed on to future generations through a process called epigenetics.

There is some good news, however. Protective factors like healthy relationships, school success, a spiritual practice and other positive social supports can offset some of these early challenges. The best news is that your ACE score isn’t your whole story; you can write your own happy ending.

Mariah Decker, or Mrs. Decker, as her students referred to her during her eight years as an educator, did just that. Despite starting out life with a very high ACE score, Mariah has been able to build a life of joy, fulfillment, and better health.

From age 14 into her early-twenties Mariah struggled with crippling depression and anxiety. Aside from going to work or school, she was unable to leave the house. “A lot of people didn’t know because I didn’t talk about it. I was terrified to go to the doctor; I didn’t want to be put on medication, be put on someone’s caseload, and forgotten about.”

Sick and tired of being sick and tired, Mariah gradually began a process to take control of her own life. She began to see the connection between those early childhood experiences and her mental and physical condition. “I wasn’t healthy and I wasn’t happy with myself. I weighed 80 pounds more than I do today and was so big that, even though I am only five feet tall, I was wearing my husband’s clothing. I avoided mirrors and didn’t like having my picture taken.” Well intended people gave her advice, encouraging her to start exercising. “People would tell me I just needed to move more and I would think, ‘Why would I want to move all of this?’ I didn’t feel comfortable enough in my body to want to move it that way.”

To get past the frustrations over her physical and mental health challenges, Mariah, began to focus on being grateful for the things she did have. She understood that her strong work ethic and early academic success gave her resilience but she also realized how much her early trauma was keeping her from living the kind of life she desired.

At the age of 20, Mariah began working for the Tillamook School District (TSD9). Acknowledging the fact that early childhood exposure to trauma also impacts learning, TSD9 had brought ACEs training to their district staff and teachers. Mariah was fortunate enough to take part in that training, which led to a better understanding of her own journey.

As a computer teacher, Mariah had a unique opportunity to work with every student at South Prairie Elementary School. Her heightened awareness around ACEs allowed her to recognize individual student’s needs. This helped her create meaningful connections with each student and be a positive support in their lives. “If even one kid in my classroom felt loved, then I considered that a success.”

In addition to ACEs training, TSD9’s staff development included setting annual professional goals with the option to include personal goals as well. The goal setting system provided a good opportunity for Mariah to tackle her personal challenges. Rather than setting weight loss goals, Mariah decided to take a different approach. “I decided to get my brain in order first,” she says. Looking up one inspirational quote each day, she found a saying that resonated: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Mariah decided it was time to fill her cup.

This was only the beginning of Mariah’s story. Read next week’s article to learn how taking one small step opened the door to profound personal transformation.

AUTHOR: Michelle Jenck, Tillamook County Wellness Coordinator

Photo Credit: Andrea Rieger of Golden Hour Images

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Healthy Schools Build Smarter Kids

Healthy Schools Build Smarter Kids

Good things are happening in our local schools. If you have driven along Hwy 101 through South Tillamook County, you probably noticed changes at Cloverdale Elementary School.  At a recent Nestucca Valley Chamber meeting, School Superintendent Misty Wharton gave a tour of the elementary school upgrades and the addition that will house the district’s middle school grades 6-8. Along with the much-needed facelift, the school now has clean water, generator capacity and a 10,000 square foot gym that doubles as an emergency shelter. Other features include a new kitchen, media center, computer lab, and career technology lab.

Students will especially benefit from the new covered outdoor play area and playground equipment, sports fields and beautiful school garden ready for harvest. Through innovative partnerships, Nestucca school district is offering hands-on nutrition and science programming, all enhanced by the recent upgrades. The design and atmosphere of the new space is beautiful and welcoming. Kids returning to school will get a true sense of how much their community cares about their learning environment.

People spend a large portion of their lives at school and work. These environments affect our health and sense of well-being. According to Tillamook School Superintendent, Curt Shelley, “Tillamook is a great community to work and live in, where everyone can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Fall is an exciting time as we welcome staff and students back to school.” Some of the activities Tillamook School District 9 is working on include:

  • Finishing up bond projects, including the Liberty bus drop off/pick up and parking lot.  This improvement was needed for safety purposes to move loading and unloading off Stillwell Avenue.  It will also provide joint parking between the Y and TSD9.
  • Remodeling the high school science lab with much needed workstations and additional storage. 
  • On-going system-wide wellness initiative that includes mentoring, Wellness Wednesdays and other activities that support social and emotional wellbeing. These have been very popular and impactful in improving staff and student experience at TSD9.

Neah-Kah-Nie School District (NKN) is also making investments to help students build health and resilience.  Two new 5000 square foot covered play structures were recently built at Garibaldi Grade School and Nehalem Elementary.  These structures enable students to recreate during and after school hours outdoors in inclement weather. NKN has also expanded half day preschool at the School District main office to full time preschool at Garibaldi Grade School and Nehalem Elementary.

Through a medical sponsorship from the Rinehart Clinic, NKN School District has added a new school-based health center that will be staffed by a Rinehart Clinic Family Nurse Practitioner on a part-time basis. The district has also hired a full-time school nurse.  The time dedicated to nursing services will almost double from last year and will serve pre-K through 12th grade students who reside in the School District boundaries. 

School-based wellness centers can provide well checks, sports physicals, care for illness and injury, immunizations, covid testing and vaccinations, routine lab tests, prescription medication support, vision and dental screenings and referrals, and other health education and counseling, including age-appropriate reproductive health information.

Tillamook County schools all offer comprehensive wellness services, including mental health counseling and trauma-informed learning environments. Support for LGBTQ students and on-going efforts to increase equity within school settings is a priority for our local schools. Having a sense of belonging in nurturing environments is very important to a child’s development. When kids feel safe and valued, they can focus on learning and developing into resilient adults later in life.

We have all been through a lot this past year and a half, but disruptions in academic and social routines can be especially difficult for kids. We are excited to share the care and concern local school districts are demonstrating on behalf of students, staff and faculty.

AUTHOR: Michelle Jenck, Tillamook County Wellness Coordinator

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Suicide Prevention: Update on Local QPR Training

Suicide Prevention: Update on Local QPR Training

There are many resources in our community to support people during a crisis. One of the best and most important ways to build community resilience is for more people to get involved. There are many free trainings and volunteer opportunities through which we can build a stronger community response to meet the needs of those around us. Janeane Krongos, Prevention Coordinator with the Tillamook Family Counseling Center, shared this information about the upcoming QPR Gatekeeper training:

One of my roles as a Prevention Coordinator at the Tillamook Family Counseling Center is to provide community members with opportunities to be trained in the Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper training. This training is an evidenced based suicide prevention training that has been used worldwide. Participants who attend this training can expect to learn, common suicide warning signs, suicide facts, how to offer hope, and the three steps of QPR.

This past year, TFCC presented eight free QPR Gatekeeper trainings (trainings were presented September 2020-July 2021). I am happy to report that there were 85 community members who had attended one of these trainings. TFCC will continue to offer these trainings to community members throughout this year. The next two QPR Gatekeeper trainings will take place virtually, September 8th at 10:00-11:30AM and September 24th at 10:00-11:30AM. To learn more about these trainings please feel free to contact me at Janeanek@tfcc.org.

Recently, I contacted former QPR Gatekeeper training participants to request feedback for this training. I was fortunate enough to receive many thoughtful responses from past participants. Continue reading to learn what local participants liked about this training. 

“This was my first time taking a response training focused on mental health. I have had difficult conversations in the past with friends about depression or suicide and I have always struggled in knowing the best way to respond or support someone. The QPR course offered an outline for how to approach these conversations, which I greatly appreciated because you never know when you might need to rely on that training.”

– Public Health Professional

“I appreciated the QPR gatekeeper training, because it offers hope by providing concrete ways to respond to friends, family members, or co-workers who might be at risk of suicide.”

– Community Response Coordinator Advocate for Tides of Change

“I liked the fact that it went into detail on how we should go about asking a person questions, to find out if they are considering attempting suicide. I also liked the fact that there were several participants, who were involved in the session & had their own input.”

– Worksource JOBS Program

“What I appreciated about the QPR training was the way it removes both the stigma around suicide and the hopelessness that once a person has decided to take their life there is no turning them around.”

– Faith Leader

“Things that I enjoyed about the QPR gatekeeper training, offered free of charge, required only 1 morning of my time, was a small group with local names and faces, the material is from a trustworthy source and I was confident that it was taught to fidelity standards, Nothing presented was beyond my comfort zone, no follow up was required to prove that I retained what was taught, and mostly, I feel empowered to effectively intervene with family, friends, or clients when I suspect they might be considering suicide.”

– Family and Youth Services Coordinator

“I thought the QPR training was very helpful and useful when we encounter a Veteran that is having a mental health crisis”.

– Veterans Services

“I like that they gave actual data, and I liked that they gave examples of what to do and what not to do.”

– Student

“The QPR was very informative and professional. I learned a lot. I disposed of some myths in my thinking.”

– Retired teacher

“QPR was a safe and positive learning opportunity, as a virtual space to raise my awareness, learn about things to look for, and gain tools to respond.  I highly recommend this learning opportunity!”

– Nonprofit Organization Staff/Parent

“I really enjoyed being together with other invested folx to remind us that we can create a network of support in our very own communities. The training also addresses common misconceptions and myths around suicide, urging us to Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR), in order to save lives. I would definitely recommend this training to others and would be interested in learning how this training is adapted to be shared amongst youth.”

– Community Member/Social Worker

Together, we can build a safer community. To learn more about resources in Tillamook County, visit these sites:

AUTHOR: Janeane Krongos, Prevention Specialist at Tillamook Family Counseling Center

And for more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

There Is A Way Out: Mental Health Spotlight

There Is A Way Out: Mental Health Spotlight

“I felt like I was at the bottom of a deep well with no way to get out.” This is how one patient described their depression symptoms to me. Another patient having panic attacks said, “All of a sudden I was terrified and thought I was going to die, but I didn’t know why.”

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and the two are closely connected. After all, our brain is part of our body. Over 20 years ago I experienced an episode of depression that required medical treatment. I, too, felt like I was at the bottom of a well. I couldn’t understand why people around me were enjoying life when I could not find any enjoyment in my own life. I sought medical help and I successfully made my way through and came out the other side.

I learned from that episode that self-care is vitally important to both our physical and mental health.

Many of the lifestyle choices that improve our physical health can also improve our mental health. Mental health problems can sometimes be just as serious as physical health problems, so don’t hesitate to contact your health care provider if you have any concerns.

The National Institute of Mental Health says it well, “Mental health is more than the absence of a mental illness—it’s essential to your overall health and quality of life.”

What steps can we take to be mentally healthy?

              Move!  – No, I don’t mean pack your bags and relocate. I mean move your body! Walking 30 minutes a day can work wonders. It can even be broken up into 10-minute walks, 3 times a day. If you can only walk 20 minutes or 10 minutes at a time, go for it. Join a walking group for group support and fun interaction. Or, watch for the TBCC catalogue in your mailbox each quarter for the latest group fitness programming from partners like the Tillamook YMCA and NCRD.

Spend time outdoors – science tells us that we get extra benefit from being outside. Being outside can be a chance to take a break and enjoy some peace.

              Make Healthy Food Choices – including lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains in your diet helps reduce inflammation, helps with digestive health and helps you feel better overall. The Mediterranean Diet is a good place to start.

              Sleep – try to get a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep as often as you can. Avoid using your cell phone, computer or TV close to bedtime because blue screens can make it harder to sleep well.

              Stay connected to positive people – Spend time with supportive friends and family. Healthy relationships help us feel better.

              Relax – try to set aside time daily for yourself to sit and relax without using your computer, TV or cell phone (unless you are using a relaxation app). Try meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or other calming activities. This is time for YOU. Check the schedule at the Tillamook YMCA for free community classes such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

              Practice Gratitude – make a list of things you are grateful for, and before you go to sleep at night think of 3 positive things that happened during the day.

If you are already feeling stressed or overwhelmed, this list might be too long to tackle all at once. Choose one activity from the list to focus on and give it a try. I have been working on getting consistent sleep and it has made a big difference in how I feel.

What can we do to help a friend or loved one struggling with mental health issues? The best thing to do is to be present. Be with them. Listen. You don’t have to give advice or try to solve their problems. As someone who has been in that situation, I can tell you that just having someone there by your side can make all the difference in the world.

And if you feel you might need professional help, please know you have options.  Talk to your health care provider. Many primary care offices have mental health professionals as part of their patient care team to make it easy for you to get the care you need.

Like physical health, mental health is not just one condition. In the way that our physical health can be affected by a wide variety of issues such as asthma, diabetes or high blood pressure, our mental health can be affected by a variety of issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder and others. The National Institute of Mental Health web page has a list of Health Topics to help us learn about and understand our mental health.

Knowledge is power. Understanding mental health helps us be better able to manage it. And, self-care is the one thing we can do for ourselves, often at no extra cost.

Visit the Tillamook County Wellness page for more articles about staying mentally healthy.

AUTHOR: Dr. Ben Douglas, MD Adventist Health Tillamook

Dr. Ben Douglas has been providing healthcare for more than 35 years. He is board certified in Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. His focus is keeping people healthy from birth through the golden years. In his free time, Dr. Douglas enjoys cooking, running, sailing and playing guitar.

For more local health and wellness information, visit www.tillamookcountywellness.org or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Pharmacy or Farmacy: Food as Medicine

Pharmacy or Farmacy: Food as Medicine

Pharmacy or Farmacy?

Food has become much more complicated than it once was. Instead of simple ingredients going into homemade foods, we have an abundance of time-saving products that may have a more enticing taste and may also be a cheaper way to get a filling meal on the table. Is it worth it to save time with convenient foods? Which convenient foods aren’t as nourishing? Are these foods helping us toward our desire to feel good and enjoy our health?

In comes the concept of food as medicine. Food is nature’s medicine, providing our body with the building blocks that it needs to maintain health. Some say that we can pay a farmer now, or a pharmacy later. And while this statement may oversimplify the whole picture of nutrition and health, hopefully it has you thinking. In reading the ideas below, you may draw some connections between what is (or isn’t) on your fork and how you’re feeling.

Note: If you decide to take a food as medicine approach to eating, it is important to continue to take medications as prescribed and consult with your medical provider before making any medication changes. A salad with dinner is not a replacement for a specific medication, though several small steps over time may begin to shift things in a positive direction.

Food informs our bodies

Food is a powerful source of information for our bodies and we have several opportunities each day to make choices about what food we will eat. The field of epigenetics looks at how behaviors and environment can affect the expression of our genes. For someone with a family history of a particular condition or disease, there may be nutrition and lifestyle factors that can alter gene expression in a way that protects from that condition or disease. While we don’t need to strive for perfection with our food choices or become fearful of eating something that isn’t seen as nutritious, there are many ways we can adjust our food choices to be supportive of our health. Whether you already have a health-related diagnosis or are focused on prevention, there are many ways you can start making changes to move toward your goals.

Food connects us to the land

As the ground continues to warm and more seeds begin stirring within the earth, there will be more and more signs of spring here on the North Coast. This area is home to many amazing growers and producers, each offering us a unique way to connect with our region and with the seasons. While most of us enjoy the variety that we can find at a grocery store, nature is also providing what we need throughout the year. For example, vitamin C comes from many more places than oranges! In the early spring we may find vitamin C in overwintered kale in the garden, in the summer in fresh, juicy strawberries that come from the valley an in the winter in potatoes from a local farm.

Eating plants is for everyone

Luckily, you don’t need to claim to be a vegetarian or vegan to enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables with your meals – plant foods are for everyone! Our bodies benefit from plants in various ways, such as the fiber that many plant foods contain. Fiber can bring ease to digestion, feeds the beneficial bacteria that live in our digestive tracts and can be an important part of a meal feeling satisfying. When increasing the amount of plant foods in your daily meals, it can also be a good idea to drink enough water, as water and fiber work together to keep digestion moving smoothly.

Boost flavor and nutrition with herbs and spices

Herbs and spices can be great ways to get an extra dose of nutrition and flavor. Many herbs and spices are sources of antioxidants, which are often linked to protecting the health of our cells. Adding spices could be as simple as a dash of ground pepper or more of a focus like a soup spiced with curry powder. Herbs can be used as a garnish, such as a sprinkle of parsley on the top of a bowl of soup or as a main feature of the meal such as vegetables and pasta tossed with basil pesto.

Eating well on a budget

If using food as medicine sounds expensive, it doesn’t have to be! There are many ways to prepare and eat nutritious foods on a budget. Beans and lentils provide protein, fiber and so much more and are a great base for a hearty meal. If you don’t have access to fresh vegetables or they often go bad in your refrigerator, frozen and canned can also be great options. Several local farms have Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes that you can subscribe to in the spring and enjoy a box of fresh vegetables each week throughout the summer. Buying spices in bulk can be much less expensive and allows you to try smaller amounts of new spices to see if you like them before purchasing a larger quantity.

Finding what works for you

If using a food as medicine philosophy is something you’re interested in and you’re not sure where to begin, you may want to connect with your primary care provider and ask for a referral to meet with a registered dietitian. Registered dietitians are trained to translate nutrition science into actionable steps that you can take to maintain your health and to help treat or prevent many common illnesses. With some creativity and a sense of adventure, making changes to support your health and how you feel can be a fun and rewarding experiment.

For more information:

Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs): Food Roots provides a pickup spot for weekly CSAs and also has a wonderful selection of local products throughout the year; accepts SNAP benefits and matching program also available https://www.foodrootsnw.org/csa-shares

Meet with a Registered Dietitian: Tillamook County Community Health Centers (503-842-3900 https://tillamookchc.org/) and Adventist Health (503-842-4444 https://www.adventisthealth.org/tillamook/) both offer appointments with registered dietitians

Epigenetics: https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm

Food Hero: for some fun and tasty recipes from OSU Extension Service, visit https://www.foodhero.org/

AUTHOR: Erica Johnson, Registered Dietitian at Tillamook County Community Health Center

For more local health and wellness information, follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.