Wellness Inspiration

Help is Here, Now.

Help is Here, Now.

We’ve been sharing ways to cope well during stressful and uncertain times. For the next few weeks, our Wellness...

Connections Are What Count

Connections Are What Count

Between COVID-19 and the wildfires, Tillamook County has seen its fair share of challenges this year. Yet Jody Bell, who...
Coping During Crisis

Coping During Crisis

Let’s face it, 2020 has been pretty awful. As a “clinically” positive and high-energy person, even I have struggle...
Taking Care of You, Outdoors!

Taking Care of You, Outdoors!

How great is it to have our local parks and trails reopening? After a few months of staying home or laying low, we are f...
Walk More and Live Well

Walk More and Live Well

         “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk...
What Drives Health?

What Drives Health?

We have seen many news media reports in recent months referencing the topics of underlying health conditions and...