We’ve been sharing ways to cope well during stressful and uncertain times. This Wellness Wednesday tribute goes out to another partner organization that provides vital services to those who are struggling to cope right now. Just like with other prevention measures, it is better to seek and get help early, even if we don’t think we are “that bad off.” This week’s shout out goes to the Rinehart Clinic in Wheeler.

What are common issues for which people are seeking help right now?

It is well-known that the pandemic has widely resulted in anxiety, depression, and an increased use of alcohol and drugs across the world. People may be seeking help for anxiety or depression, but they may also be seeking treatment for other symptoms related to stress, trauma, or anxiety that may masquerade as separate ailments. These symptoms could include increased irritability/anger, new or increased pain (migraines, new back pain, etc.), changes in sleep patterns (not sleeping or sleeping too much), increased distractibility, inability to stay on task. People may also be struggling ​more with relationship issues, prolonged isolation-related distress, feeling exhausted by parenting while working-from home, and feeling overwhelmed in general.

What are some of the specific services your organization provides that help individuals with these concerns?             

Rinehart Clinic offers a full scope of health services including: medication, acupuncture, individual psychotherapy, Mindfulness Meditation classes, SMART Recovery meetings, recovery groups, and a variety of online classes and programs that offer social connections to others in the community.

As part of our team-based care, we conduct regular screenings ​and interventions for depression and substance use, as well as a variety of social determinants that may impact the health of our patients. Interventions may include a brief meeting with a mental health or behavioral health provider, connection to needed resources, and sometimes a referral to an outside specialist.

What are some common outcomes for people who receive these services?   

Patients have experienced a reduction in symptoms,  increased coping ability, decreased sense of isolation, and an overall increased feeling of well-being.

Are these services covered by insurance and/or do you offer a sliding scale for payment?     

Rinehart Clinic accepts most major insurance plans, including Oregon Health Plan, and we offer a sliding fee scale based on income. Our community wellness classes and group meetings are held free of charge.

Rinehart Clinic takes a team-based approach to primary care, so providers work together to offer​ care for the whole person. Patients can access mental health or behavioral health services through their primary care provider, or if they prefer, they can access these services directly by contacting our behavioral health providers.

To learn more, contact us at 1-800-368-5182 or www.rinehartclinic.org.