Recipe & Photo Source

Number of servings: 2

Time for preparation (including preparation and cooking): 5 minutes


1 lavash flat bread or flour tortilla (10inch)

¼ cup ready-made hummus

¼ cup ready-made tabouli

10 romaine lettuce leaves (whole or chopped)

1 cup alfalfa or bean sprouts

2 large tomatoes (chopped)

10 red-tipped lettuce leaves or purple kale (optional)


  1. Lay out lavash flat bread or flour tortilla on a flat surface
  2. Pile hummus and tabouli in a long row, side by side on lavish or tortilla
  3. Add romaine lettuce generously
  4. Add sprouts and tomatoes as desired
  5. Get ready to roll! Starting from the edge of a long side, roll it up. Cut in half
  6. If eating later, wrap in plastic wrap. To eat as a sandwich, peel back a few inches of plastic wrap, eat, peel some more, eat you get the idea!
  7. To eat as an appetizer, let “set” in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours. Than remove the plastic wrap. Cut the rolls into 1’ slices, using a sawing motion. Serve cut side up on a platter with red-tipped lettuce