“WHY I’M IN …” An interview with Emery Edwards, AmeriCorps, VISTA

What drew you/your organization to partner with Tillamook County Wellness?

I’ll be honest, I started working with TCW because it was something required of my position as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer. I came to Tillamook, though, because I was in search of something more fulfilling, authentic, and close to nature than what I had built in Seattle. Since the first day I learned about TCW I was inspired by the community-driven initiatives to make Tillamook a better place to work, live, and be. I will continue my work with TCW because I am inspired by the passion exhibited by its members towards the never-ending work of improving this county. I have found that TCW embodies what I was searching for when I moved to Tillamook- it is authentic, innovative, fulfilling, and emphasizes genuine relationships and community action. 

What, if any, changes have you seen come about as a result of this work? 

I can see how TCW brings organizations and people together for initiatives to improve the county. Being behind the scenes and involved in several committees I have the unique opportunity to see so much of what TCW is doing! The collaborative nature of the committees creates buy-in throughout organizations in the county and provides a platform for the exchange of ideas all towards the betterment of our community. I specifically see how a lot of what TCW does is directly informed by data collected about the greatest needs of the county, specifically for vulnerable populations. I see access to care and access to physical activity being increased for all of Tillamook County, but particularly emphasized for historically underserved populations. This is critical work that is not being done everywhere and I’m so happy that TCW is taking that initiative. 

What have you learned from being involved in this work?

Gosh, I have learned so much about what it means to bring about community action. This community has so many wonderful members who are passionate about improving the livelihoods of all county residents which has restored some of my faith in humanity. I learn so much from my work with TCW almost every day, but I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is that community action like TCW is even possible! 

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to you/your organization?

I hope that this work can continue to grow and expand to include more representatives of the community. I really hope to see more community members, retirees, and other people looking to use their time, energy, and skills to better their community through TCW. I hope that this will cultivate a sense of ownership for Tillamook County residents. In my experience, if you yourself work on something you feel a sense of ownership over it. And that’s really important for this program’s sustainability. The more people come together wanting to improve their community through TCW the more positive impact we’ll be able to make

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to changing community health in Tillamook County

Moving to Tillamook County has changed my life, and I know it can change so many others. I really hope that this work will improve access to a happy and healthy life for all. It’s really hard to not have any healthy habits, nutritional knowledge, or a healthy relationship with your body. I believe that TCW is providing access to healthy choices we can make for ourselves. This is essential work to improving community health because when you feel like you’re on your own with your health, it’s really isolating and it can feel like you have to reinvent the wheel. TCW is changing Tillamook County for the better, and my biggest hope is that we continue to receive support from the community we serve.


Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I would just like to add that moving to Tillamook County has changed my life for the better! I’ve been able to build a wonderful community of authentic, caring, amazing people who truly care about this community. Tillamook County has its flaws but it is such a special place to me and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to serve here. I am so looking forward to seeing what amazing things we can accomplish with community action! And, a special thank-you to Michelle Jenck, the Tillamook County Wellness Coordinator. Without her, so much of this work would not be possible!