Why are you “IN”?

The Tillamook County Wellness “Why I’m In” interview series highlights our community partners and what has inspired and motivated them to work toward the common goal of improving community health.

 “WHY I’M IN …” An interview with Janeane Krongos, Prevention Specialist, Tillamook Family Counseling Center (TFCC). Janeane is the co-chair of the health and promotion committee.

What drew you/your organization to partner with Tillamook County Wellness?

Janeane:  Being part of the Tillamook County Wellness (TCW) Health Promotion committee was a natural choice for me, because TCW and I have a shared goal of improving community health through increasing protective factors. Protective factors are characteristics or attributes that can help to lower the risk of negative health outcomes such as diabetes, substance misuse, underage substance use prevention, problem gambling, and suicide prevention.  Examples of protective factors include access to basic needs (food and housing), social connections, connection to the community, access to resources, access to healthcare, coping skills, and problem-solving skills. 

What, if any, changes have you seen come about as a result of this work? 

Janeane: One change that I have seen since I have been part of this group is an increased focus on prevention topics (substance misuse, problem gambling prevention, and suicide prevention) and mental health in TCW content on the website and social media. I think this is a beneficial change and I hope to see more content on these topics.

What have you learned from being involved in this work?

Janeane: I am relatively new to the Tillamook County, I moved to the community in March 2020. Being part of the committee has allowed me to learn about Tillamook County directly from committee members who know the area well. In the monthly meetings I had opportunities to meet with people who are active in the community. Additionally, I have learned about local places that I can go to exercise (local parks, hiking trails, beaches, & facilities), local organizations, community resources, and community events.

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to you/your organization?

Janeane: The organization that I work for (Tillamook Family Counseling Center) has played an active role in TCW since its inception. I hope that they will continue to play an active part in TCW. As for myself, I hope that I will continue to play an active role in TCW. I am the current co-chair of the Health Promotion committee. I enjoy having this role. I respect the members of the group, enjoy the meetings, and enjoy having opportunities to share prevention messaging and share helpful resources in TCW content. Since I have been part of this committee, I have had opportunities to write blogs on a variety of topics including problem gambling prevention, safe medication practices, suicide prevention, and mental health.

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to changing community health in Tillamook County.

 Janeane: One hope that I have for the future, is for more community members to get involved in TCW. Currently TCW has around 80 partners who volunteer their time and skills and around 50 community partner organizations who allow staff to attend the meetings. A person can get in TCW in whatever way that works best for them. Examples of ways a person can get involved include: joining a TCW committee(Health Promotion, Access to Care, Access to Physical Activity, and Workplace Wellness), participating in TCW campaigns(This Way to Well-Being),  attending TCW programs(walking groups, workshops, or events), sharing your ideas by filling out surveys, following TCW on social media, engaging with TCW social media post (like, share, and comment), subscribing to the TCW newsletter, or making a donation to TCW on the website. 

What are your hopes for this work as it relates to changing community health in Tillamook County? 

I hope that TCW continues to have strong partner support and continues to generate relevant and trusted health inspiration content. 

Other wellness questions? Email us at info@tillamookcountywellness.org. For more local health and wellness information, visit www.tillamookcountywellness.org or follow Tillamook County Wellness on Facebook and Instagram.