Breastfeeding is a sound method of giving your baby a healthy start in life. It is a great bonding experience for both mom and baby. However, with feedings around the clock, breastfeeding can also be taxing. When combined with other responsibilities, like caring for other children, working, and household chores, new mothers can become worn down and stressed. The time you spend breastfeeding or pumping breast milk does not have to feel like another chore. Instead, use this time to find ways to care for yourself and improve your well-being. Here are some suggestions to guide your self-care.


Find a comfortable place to sit while breastfeeding, like your favorite spot on the couch or rocking chair. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let random thoughts go. If your mind begins to race, focus on your breathing. Consider lighting a scented candle or diffusing essential oils that provide a pleasant atmosphere for you to relax in.

Listen to music

Do you feel like you listen to lullabies and “Baby Shark” all day? When was the last time you played some of your favorite music and took time to genuinely enjoy it? Now is the time! Music can relax you, lift your mood, and remind you of happy times.

Watch a favorite TV show or movie

Much like music, you may be streaming children’s shows all day or not have time to watch TV at all with the new baby, let alone a movie. Being forced to sit still for the feeding or pumping gives you that time to catch up on “Bridgerton,” “The Batchelor,” or watch a favorite movie.

Read a book, listen to an audiobook or podcast

Feeding sessions during the middle of the night may not be ideal for watching screens. Instead, treat yourself to that new book you’ve been wanting to read. Too tired for your eyes to focus? Keep an audiobook or podcast downloaded that you can listen to with your headphones.


Busy moms constantly juggle responsibilities, and eating well for themselves can fall by the wayside. Remedy this by setting up some healthy snacks and a beverage for yourself when preparing to breastfeed. Keep some cut-up fruit, vegetables and hummus, or cheese and crackers on hand that you can easily eat while breastfeeding. Prepare a cup of tea, a glass of lemonade, or even just that bottle of water you never seem to have time to drink. You will finish your session less hungry and better hydrated.


Being a new mom is a significant change and can lead to a roller coaster of emotions. Many women find journaling helpful in their mental health journey. Writing down thoughts and feelings can be insightful in helping you understand them better. Other women enjoy journaling to document milestones they can look back on later. 


Outside of your breastfeeding or pumping sessions, remember to rest. Rest is vital for physical and mental health. With a new baby, breastfeeding occurs so frequently around the clock it is hard to get more than a few hours of consistent sleep. The body is also recovering from the effort of giving birth. Your body needs rest to aid in this recovery. There is a reason your provider told you to sleep when the baby sleeps. The baby napping is not a time to ensure your house is spotless. Rest remains essential for moms who continue breastfeeding after the baby sleeps through the night. Not getting enough sleep can lead not only to fatigue but also depression. Experts recommend 7-9 hours of sleep a night. If you are napping during the day, limit the nap to no more than 15-20 minutes. Longer naps put you in deeper sleep that can make you feel sluggish when you wake up. Also, long naps can interrupt your nighttime sleep patterns.

The benefits of self-care cannot be said enough. Moms are often the “everything, everywhere, all at once” and put their well-being last. Because breastfeeding or pumping breast milk forces you to sit still, this is an ideal time to recharge and take care of yourself. Find a space away from household chaos and ask not to be interrupted. Taking time for your well-being will help you stay healthy to better care for the others in your life.

AUTHOR: Leanna Coy, FNP-C, Family Nurse Practitioner and Health Content Writer

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