Spring is in the air, and April is upon us. It is the time of year everyone starts going outside to garden, exercise, and spend time with others in the community. April 5th is National Walking Day, and the walking groups in Tillamook County are ready to start back up to help everyone stay active by getting their daily steps in. Over the last several years, 10,000 steps a day has become the goal many people aim for in their daily fitness journey. That is a lofty goal for some people as 10,000 steps averages about 5 miles. However, 10,000 steps may not be the right amount for everyone. 

The 10,000-step history: 

In 1963 during preparations for the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, a prominent doctor in Japan expressed concern about the lack of physical activity among Japanese citizens. He wanted to find a way to encourage people to walk more and suggested 10,000 steps as a goal. In 1965 the manpo-kei pedometer, whose name translates to “10,000 steps meter”, was created. Some sources say 10,000 steps were chosen because the Japanese character for 10,000 resembles a person walking. 

When wearable devices, such as FitBit, became popular for fitness tracking the 10,000-step goal was adopted. In an article for Fortune.com the CEO of FitBit conveyed the 10,000-step goal was selected because the company felt it was achievable for many people, and the amount of time needed to accomplish the 10,000-step goal fell within the recommended fitness guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. This guideline recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week (30 minutes a day). This standard became rooted in the exercise consciousness of Americans as people began pushing themselves to reach this goal. 

What the research shows: 

With the popularity of the 10,000-step goal, researchers finally began looking into whether this amount of steps is an ideal amount to walk. Interestingly they found it is not. It turns out 10,000 steps is more than most people need. The recommended daily amount of steps varies depending on which research you are reading. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found the benefits of walking peak at about 7,500 steps a day. This amount is closer to 3 to 3.5 miles a day, depending on how tall someone is. A second study published in Nature Medicine indicates the optimal number of steps to ward off disease is 8,200 a day or about 4 miles. 

Staying physically active every day is ideal for improving general health for everyone. Researchers all agree walking more improves your health by reducing the risk of many diseases. The less you walk, the more at risk you are for health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. 

For many people, 10,000 steps a day can appear overwhelming. Hopefully, knowing these lower daily step goals will make the idea of staying physically active more achievable. Walking is an activity that can be done anywhere in almost any weather. Yes, even in the rain. So get out there, move your body, and consider joining one of the walking groups to connect with people in the community. Your body will thank you for it. 

To learn more about the TCW Walking Groups, visit our website at  https://tillamookcountywellness.org/move-well/walking-groups/  

AUTHOR: Leanna Coy, Family Nurse Practitioner at Nehalem Bay Health Center

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