by  Janeane Krongos, BS, Prevention Specialist, Tillamook Family Counseling Center


If you are like many people you are not sure when you will be going on your next vacation. In these uncertain times, it may not be safe to venture out far to take a traditional vacation. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun “vacation-like” experience. To have that experience you may need to look closer to home. What if I told you there is a vacation spot that you can visit that is a short drive away? Imagine if I told you that people travel great distances to visit this place. This destination is devastatingly beautiful, in fact it is so beautiful that it is extremely difficult to take a bad photo of its diverse natural landscapes. Visitors find that when they are in this locale, they crave physical activity. They find themselves spending their days hiking in the forest and taking long walks alongside pristine beaches. I am sure this place is sounding pretty familiar, because this place is Tillamook County.

Tillamook County is the perfect location for an active staycation. A staycation is choosing to stay local to have a vacation experience (activities, sightseeing, eating local cuisine, and taking lots of photos). Like a regular vacation, a staycation is most successful when you are prepared for it. To help to make your staycation go smoothly, make sure to research the places and activities you plan to visit ahead of time. Here are some things to research before your staycation: weather, cost, hours, directions, equipment needed, and difficulty level of activities.  Before your outing, purchase or rent equipment and clothing that is needed for your activity if necessary. The night before, pack essential items in a day pack. Some of the items you may want to include: water, snacks, permit, license, first aid kit, map, and phone.

Remember to make sure that you include physical activity into your schedule. This will allow you to improve your physical and mental health. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve bone health, and improve the quality of your sleep. To learn more about the health benefits of physical activity it may be helpful to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s physical activity fact sheet at: Physical activity can also help you maintain good mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to have an impact on reducing symptoms of both anxiety and depression. To learn more about how physical activity may benefit your mental health, it may be helpful to read the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services physical activity guidelines at: Physical activity benefits individuals of all ages. If you are not sure what type of exercise would work best for you, it may be helpful to reach out to your physician for exercise guidance.


Watch for the Tillamook County Wellness “Explore Your Outdoors” BINGO activity to help you plan a safe, fun and active staycation!

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