Recipe Source: Recipe and photo from
Number of servings: 2
Time for preparation (including preparation and cooking): 10 min
3⁄4 pound asparagus, washed and trimmed (2 1/2 cups sliced)
1 teaspoon oil
3 Tablespoons slivered almonds
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
  Pinch of black pepper
1⁄4 teaspoon sugar
1⁄8 teaspoon ginger powder

  1. Slice the asparagus diagonally into pieces about ¾ inch long.
    2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add remaining ingredients. Stir and sauté until asparagus is a brighter green, 3-5 minutes.
    3. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and cook until the asparagus is just fork-tender. Avoid overcooking. Shake the pan occasionally to prevent sticking or burning.
    4. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.