It’s official – 6 more weeks of winter. Or at least that’s what Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog, concluded when he saw his shadow on February 2nd. The good news is that we have reached the point in the year where the days are starting to get a little bit longer. In fact, between now and daylight savings on March 13th we will have gained over an hour and a half of additional daylight!

And yet, we are still in the midst of winter weather – rain, wind, ice, fog, and maybe the occasional snowflake. It can be difficult to find any excitement in stepping outside to chilly air and sprinkling raindrops, but building a little bit of movement and physical activity into each day can have profound effects on how we feel. Physical activity not only improves balance and helps strengthen bones, but it also releases chemicals in your brain that boost mood, self-esteem, and concentration.

So what can you do to stay active during winter weather? We’ve collected a few tips below:

1. Gather Waterproof Gear

You don’t need super-fancy items, but a waterproof jacket can make a world of difference when the rain is coming down. It’s also important to have a few comfortable layers of clothing that can be easily added or removed as the temperature fluctuates. (It’s worth noting that cotton traps moisture once it’s wet, either with sweat or rain, and this will actually make you feel colder if you’re using it as your base layer. Check your tags for a lightweight polyester, wool, or polypropylene item to wear closest to your skin).

2. Monitor the Weather (and plan ahead!)

Weather forecasts are often available a few days in advance, and a quick glance on your phone will usually give you a decent idea of which day might be warmer or when there might be a break in the rain during a drizzling afternoon.

3. Start Simple

A stroll around your neighborhood or a quick walk through a park or along the beach is a great way to stretch out after a long day. You might try decompressing by listening to music, a podcast, or calling a loved one while you walk. For ideas on places to get moving, visit

4. Notice the Nature

There’s something about stepping outside during a break in the clouds and being able to smell the rainstorm that has just ended. It’s amazing how taking a moment to appreciate the world around you can lift your mood.

5. Then Try Something New!

There are endless hikes and trails to explore in Tillamook County, you can visit  for inspiration in finding a new place to explore. Or try your hand at clamming or crabbing on the coast – just make sure to get a shellfish license and check local regulations here:

Without a doubt, there will be days where the weather is just too miserable to enjoy. These might be better moments to enjoy a hot cup of tea and watch the rain fall. If you are still hoping to move a bit, there are plenty of options:

  1. Try an online workout (the YMCA has class recordings or you can find videos on YouTube)
  2. Finish those household chores (vacuuming counts as both cleaning and exercise — a win-win situation)
  3. Blast music and dance (because we all need this occasionally)

And before we know it, spring will be just around the corner 🙂

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