It’s that time of year again! The trees are changing colors, the weather is getting colder, and the days are getting shorter. While some things are expected and familiar to us all, other things are new – Holidays during a Pandemic.

After 8 months of lockdown and social distancing, many of us find ourselves eager to see loved ones. While spending time with loved ones can be a great stress-reliever, navigating the holidays during a pandemic can also be a source of stress. So that begs the question: to travel or not to travel?

The absolute safest way to celebrate this Holiday season is to stay home and celebrate with your household family members. Virtual gatherings, over Zoom or Facetime, are encouraged to stay connected and safe this season. Given the new statewide “Two-Week Freeze” announced by Governor Brown, limiting gatherings to no more than 6 people from no more than 2 households, now is the perfect time for virtual gatherings!

For those that are traveling and will be spending time with friends and family outside of their homes, here are some tips to enjoy the holidays safely:

  • Wear a face mask at all times (except for when eating)
  • Always maintain social distance of 6ft or more
  • Try to have gatherings in an outdoor location, but remember to dress warm and wear a face mask if social distancing cannot be maintained
  • When sharing a meal, consider individual plates of food versus buffet-style dining
  • Consider driving with household members to the gathering, versus flying when possible
  • Make a plan to quarantine before and after the gathering, to reduce transmission of COVID-19
  • Get your flu shot before traveling and meeting up with friends and family for holiday gatherings
    • While the flu shot will not directly protect against COVID-19, it has many other benefits to keep you safe and healthy, reducing illness
  • Stay home if you are feeling sick, have recently tested positive for COVID-19, or are a known contact to someone who recently tested positive for COVID-19
  • If flying, consider purchasing traveler’s insurance and pack for a two-week trip in the case you should have to quarantine at your destination

Deciding to cancel your trip is difficult, but also something to be on our minds. Traveling during a pandemic requires all of us to call on the power of our inner-planners! Check out this infographic below for tips on delaying or canceling trips:

Remember, you can still partake in the holidays and make it special, while still staying safe! Now’s the perfect chance to get the WHOLE family together (virtually) and finally take that large family photo you’ve been wanting. Is it the same? Of course not. But will it be a holiday season you’ll ever forget? Of course not- it will be one to remember!

AUTHOR: Morganne Skinner, RN, BSN, Public Health Nurse at Tillamook County Community Health Center

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