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Connect Postvention Training

This in-person Connect Postvention training is offered through a partnership between School Safety and Prevention at Northwest Regional Education Service District and Tillamook School District. Connect Postvention Training helps service providers […]

Grief Support Group

Adventist Health Tillamook 1000 Third St., Tillamook

This free, in-person support group meets the second and fourth Thursday monthly, excluding holidays. It is for adults who are struggling with difficult and unexpected emotions from shock, anger, disbelief, […]

Knitting Group

North Tillamook Library 571 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR 97130

Join a fun group of knitters at North Tillamook Library in Manzanita on Thursdays from 4pm to 5:30pm.

ASIST-Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Tillamook Bay Community College 4301 3rd St, Tillamook

ASIST, or Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, is a 2-day intensive training program that teaches participants to connect, understand, and assist persons who may be at risk for suicide. Although […]

Knitting Group

North Tillamook Library 571 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR 97130

Join a fun group of knitters at North Tillamook Library in Manzanita on Thursdays from 4pm to 5:30pm.

ASIST-Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training

Tillamook Bay Community College 4301 3rd St, Tillamook

ASIST, or Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, is a 2-day intensive training program that teaches participants to connect, understand, and assist persons who may be at risk for suicide. Although […]

Drop In Tech Help at Tillamook Main Library

Tillamook County Library 1716 3rd Street Tillamook Oregon 97141

Drop in for help with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and similar in an informal Q&A setting

QPR Gatekeeper Training-Online

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer and it is an entry level, 90 minute, suicide prevention training that helps you get comfortable with asking the hard question to someone who […]

Grief Support Group

Adventist Health Tillamook 1000 Third St., Tillamook

This free, in-person support group meets the second and fourth Thursday monthly, excluding holidays. It is for adults who are struggling with difficult and unexpected emotions from shock, anger, disbelief, […]

Knitting Group

North Tillamook Library 571 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR 97130

Join a fun group of knitters at North Tillamook Library in Manzanita on Thursdays from 4pm to 5:30pm.

Wild Coast Film Festival

Columbian Theater 1102 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103

Walk on the wild side with grizzly bears, embark on a 1,000 mile whitewater adventure, and fly with hummingbirds during the Wild Coast Film Festival at the historic Columbian Theater […]

Wild Coast Film Festival

Columbian Theater 1102 Marine Dr, Astoria, OR 97103

Walk on the wild side with grizzly bears, embark on a 1,000 mile whitewater adventure, and fly with hummingbirds during the Wild Coast Film Festival at the historic Columbian Theater […]