Action Committees

Nearly 80 individuals from 50 community partner organizations dedicate their time, treasure and talents to serve on numerous work groups and action committees that drive our efforts to work “upstream” to reduce rates of type 2 diabetes. The actions and strategies described below were selected using an evidence-based process designed for maximum impact. For the latest updates on the work of the coalition and action committees, click here.

Health Promotion

Committee Co-Chairs: Michelle Jenck (Adventist Health Tillamook) & Renee Aufdermauer
The Health Promotions committee is working to connect with and engage all community members, especially working individuals and families with young children, in opportunities for health improvement. Through multiple media channels, this team shares action campaigns and information about local events and activities, such as:
  • Walking groups and fitness programs
  • Outdoor recreation opportunities
  • Healthy recipes and gardening
  • Health literacy topics and preventive screenings
  • Chronic disease prevention and management programs
  • Inspiring stories and local program spotlights
  • Community events and local initiatives related to wellness
  • Tailored interactive campaigns with prizes!

Get involved: The committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month from 2 – 3:30 pm

To join, contact:

Access to Care

Committee Chairs: Rockie Phillips (Tillamook County Community Health Centers) and Mareliza DeJesus (Adventist Health Tillamook)
The Access to Care Committee works to improve the health of Tillamook County residents by improving overall access to healthcare. We are working towards this goal by:
  • Improving health literacy at all levels
  • Lowering barriers to care by supporting Connect Oregon in Tillamook County. Connect Oregon is a referral platform where medical and social service providers can make referrals to services. Individuals can also create a self-referral to services
  • Improving access to care through the implementation of traditional health workers in Tillamook County

Get involved: The committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 3:30 – 5:00 pm

To join, contact staff liaison: Emery Edwards at

Access to Physical Activity

Committee Co-Chair(s): Mari Tasche (OHSU)
The Access to Physical Activity Committee aims to ensure all Tillamook County residents have access to and participate in physical activity and outdoor recreation. Our goal is to inspire movement, create community connections, encourage outdoor exploration, and promote environmental stewardship and education on local resources. Our current initiatives include:
  • Hosting bike rodeo and bike donation events to encourage youth bike riding, reduce barriers to accessing bikes, and improve riding proficiency and safety
  • Collaborating Four Seasons of Foraging events to highlight the unique foraging opportunities in the region
  • Maintaining and supporting Wellness Walking Groups throughout the county
  • Organizing outdoor exploration and themed walking events
  • Promoting and partnering with organizations that are working to improve access to recreation opportunities, including walking, hiking, and biking trails  

Get involved: The committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 3:30 – 4:30 pm

To join, contact: Mari Tashche at 

Emergency Preparedness

Committee Co-Chair: Ed Colson (TCCHC)

The Emergency Preparedness Committee is working to build community-level readiness and resilience for emergencies through events and education. Our goal is to boost community participation in emergency preparedness, increase individual and community readiness, and ensure the health and safety of community members in case of an emergency. Some of the ways we are doing this are:

  • Convening emergency preparedness groups throughout the county to build a collaborative approach to preparedness
  • Hosting preparedness activities, such as the Great Shakeout for earthquake preparedness
  • Developing educational materials for all levels of preparedness
  • Working with community leaders to identify and address vulnerable communities in our county

Get involved: There are no standing meetings at this time

To join, contact: Amy McVeety at

Economic Stability

Committee Co-Chairs: Vacant

Several community partners and groups are working to increase financial stability and economic growth in Tillamook County. This work includes:

  • Increasing availability and affordability of housing, including a focus on workforce housing
  • Increasing availability and affordability of childcare
  • Offering free financial literacy classes for children and adults in English and Spanish
  • Promoting higher income earning career opportunities through targeted education pathways at Tillamook Bay Community College, including nursing and healthcare occupations
  • Connecting houseless individuals with no, low and high-barrier shelter and other housing options
  • Supporting people transitioning from houselessness and substance use disorder into the workforce

Get involved: To learn more about the Housing Commission, contact Parker Sammons as

To learn more about the Houseless Action Network, contact Mareliza DeJesus at

For all other inquiries, contact: Michelle Jenck at

Attribution: Icons have been sourced from